[EAC] I.L.C -Image Leaf Craft- - パラレルライフ [同人音楽 100505(M3-25)] (takInCue).rar
255.3 MiB |
2010-05-06 17:39 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
[EAC] AZURE FACTORY - FROM ZERO [同人音楽 100505(M3-25)] (takInCue).rar
162.3 MiB |
2010-05-06 17:42 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
[EAC] CN2&TEAR - S*S [同人音楽 100505(M3-25)] (takInCue).rar
213.9 MiB |
2010-05-06 17:52 |
0 |
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0 |
[EAC] clover fields - 祈音 -ki-on- [同人音楽 100505(M3-25)] (takInCue).rar
149.5 MiB |
2010-05-06 17:54 |
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0 |
EAC (M3-25) 2010 (flac+tak+tta+cue)
10.7 GiB |
2010-05-07 06:13 |
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0 |
[EAC] [091216] 劇場版 マクロスF 虚空歌姫~イツワリノウタヒメ~ ED収録「CMランカ」/ランカ・リー=中島愛 (ape+cue版).rar
84.7 MiB |
2010-05-07 07:44 |
0 |
6 |
46 |
[EAC][091125] シェリル・ノーム starring May'n - ユニバーサル・バニー (劇場版マクロスF 虚空歌姫~cue+イツワリノウタヒメ)(ape+log+jpg+rr3%).rar
276.6 MiB |
2010-05-07 07:44 |
0 |
3 |
250 |
[EAC] 奥華子 collection NEW!
4.0 GiB |
2010-05-07 10:36 |
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0 |
3 |
421.7 MiB |
2010-05-08 05:37 |
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284.7 MiB |
2010-05-08 05:40 |
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0 |
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OST {Complete} (lossless)
2.2 GiB |
2010-05-08 09:50 |
6 |
0 |
1912 |
195.1 MiB |
2010-05-09 05:23 |
0 |
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0 |
Breath of Fire Original Soundtrack Special Box
3.4 GiB |
2010-05-09 07:56 |
2 |
0 |
96 |
[Audio-4U] Alstroemeria Records 1.0 (flac+cue+jpg)
12.0 GiB |
2010-05-10 21:10 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Angel Beats! – Insert Song Single 2 – Thousand Enemies [Girls Dead Monster] [flac+scans+cue+log]
122.5 MiB |
2010-05-11 09:41 |
0 |
3 |
37 |
[EAC] [100512] TVアニメ Angel Beats! 第2弾マキシシングル「Thousand Enemies」/Girls Dead Monster (ape+cue FN輸入).rar
125.2 MiB |
2010-05-11 13:11 |
1 |
0 |
82 |
[EAC] [100512] TVアニメ 迷い猫オーバーラン! OP&ED 「はっぴぃ にゅう にゃあ・イチャラブCome Home!」/芹沢文乃(CV:伊藤かな恵)&梅ノ森千世(CV:井口裕香)&霧谷希(CV:竹達彩奈) (ape+cue FN輸入).rar
126.9 MiB |
2010-05-11 13:23 |
1 |
0 |
155 |
[EAC] [100512] TVアニメ kiss×sis ED 「Our Steady Boy」[DVD付]/ゆいかおり(小倉唯&石原夏織) (ape+cue+ISO FN輸入).rar
465.4 MiB |
2010-05-11 13:38 |
0 |
0 |
79 |
Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou ED Single – Everyday sunshine line! [Aso Natsuko] [flac+scans+cue+log]
140.0 MiB |
2010-05-11 14:29 |
1 |
0 |
30 |
Mayoi Neko OVERRUN! OP&ED Single — Happy New Nyaa [Iguchi Yuka, Itou Kanae, Taketatsu Ayana] [flac+scans+log+cue]
125.3 MiB |
2010-05-13 08:58 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
KissXSis TV ED – Our Steady Boy [Taketatsu Ayana, Tatsumi Yuiko] [flac+scans+log+cue]
130.3 MiB |
2010-05-13 08:58 |
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0 |
24 |
Seikon no Qwaser ED Single 2 — Wishes Hypocrites [Fujimura Ayumi, Toyosaki Aki, Chihara Minori, Hirano Aya, Hisaka Yoko, Tsujidou Miyuri, Kawasumi Ayako] [flac+scans+log+cue]
134.8 MiB |
2010-05-13 08:58 |
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2 |
0 |
Nyan Koi! Original Soundtrack [PCXE-500322] (FLAC)
380.5 MiB |
2010-05-13 11:30 |
1 |
0 |
68 |
クライマックス ドラマチック・ソングス (flac)
952.0 MiB |
2010-05-14 04:16 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
[Animinoid][051005] 攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX-狩人の領域-PROTOTYPE SOUND PACKAGE <THE LINK> (WavPack Lossless+BK)
405.8 MiB |
2010-05-14 04:26 |
1 |
0 |
12 |
[ETFanHome] ANIME HOUSE PROJECT 萌えselection vol. 1 (flac+cue)
404.0 MiB |
2010-05-14 07:10 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Hidamari Sketch X Hoshimittsu Image Songs Album Hidamarble X Hoshimittsu [flac+scans+log+cue]
360.0 MiB |
2010-05-14 15:14 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
226.0 MiB |
2010-05-15 05:47 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
(ドラマCD) あっちこっち 第1巻 (flac)
271.8 MiB |
2010-05-15 05:50 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
(ドラマCD) あっちこっち 第2巻 (flac)
310.5 MiB |
2010-05-15 05:51 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
[Animinoid][081217] 攻殻機動隊 2.0 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK [Regular & Limited Edition] (Booklet Only).7z
170.0 MiB |
2010-05-15 20:27 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
[Animinoid][081217] 攻殻機動隊 2.0 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK [Regular & Limited Edition] (WavPack Lossless+BK).7z
409.9 MiB |
2010-05-15 20:30 |
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4 |
0 |
(ドラマCD) ふおんコネクト! (flac)
335.4 MiB |
2010-05-16 04:09 |
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0 |
(ドラマCD) 神様のメモ帳「おしゃれサギ師の末路」 (flac)
380.9 MiB |
2010-05-16 04:10 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
[ETFanHome] ゲートキーパーズ ベスト (flac+cue)
416.5 MiB |
2010-05-16 15:13 |
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1 |
0 |
Slam Dunk OST Collection
1.6 GiB |
2010-05-17 09:55 |
0 |
1 |
274 |
Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo Original Soundtrack 1 [flac+spectrum+log]
172.3 MiB |
2010-05-18 15:31 |
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0 |
Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo Original Soundtrack 2 [flac+log+cue]
179.5 MiB |
2010-05-18 15:31 |
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0 |
Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo Original Soundtrack 3 [flac+scans+cue+spectrum]
249.8 MiB |
2010-05-18 15:31 |
0 |
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0 |
[Animinoid][040526] 攻殻機動隊 トリビュート~カテゴリー;テクノ・スタイル VER 2.0.0~ (WavPack Lossless+BK).7z
467.7 MiB |
2010-05-20 02:20 |
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1 |
0 |
755.0 MiB |
2010-05-21 04:18 |
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305 |
Hidamari Sketch X Hoshimittsu Drama CD Vol. 2 [flac+scans+cue+log]
383.0 MiB |
2010-05-21 23:25 |
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0 |
0 |
Tegami Bachi Original Soundtrack [flac+scans+cue+log]
308.0 MiB |
2010-05-21 23:25 |
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3 |
0 |
732.0 MiB |
2010-05-22 03:39 |
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2 |
208 |
Delights Music – Linkup originalside Techno vol.1 (2009) [FLAC]
349.5 MiB |
2010-05-22 11:19 |
0 |
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0 |
[Animinoid][040303] 攻殻機動隊 トリビュート~カテゴリー;テクノ・スタイル~ (WavPack Lossless+BK).7z
501.0 MiB |
2010-05-22 22:27 |
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1 |
0 |
[EAC](アルバム)レモンエンジェル - White(ape+cue+rr3%).rar
185.9 MiB |
2010-05-23 01:26 |
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0 |
[EAC](アルバム)レモンエンジェル - Don't say goodbye(ape+cue+rr3%).rar
387.0 MiB |
2010-05-23 01:27 |
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0 |
Angel Beats! OP&ED Single – My Soul, Your Beats!/Brave Song [Lia, Tada Aoi] [flac+scans+cue+log]
157.0 MiB |
2010-05-23 14:47 |
3 |
1 |
787 |
Dies irae(ディエス・イレ) ~Acta est Fabula~ オリジナルサウンドトラック「Neuen Welt Symphonie」
533.4 MiB |
2010-05-23 23:30 |
0 |
0 |
67 |
[Chaos] Angel Beats! OP&ED Single - My Soul, Your Beats! / Brave Song (FLAC)
160.0 MiB |
2010-05-24 02:42 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
[Yiu] きっと、澄みわたる朝色よりも Special CD (44.1 kHz Stereo)
175.9 MiB |
2010-05-25 10:32 |
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1 |
0 |
NanairoGenerator_song_madobe_nanami iso,cue,img
78.5 MiB |
2010-05-26 01:11 |
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4 |
HEROMAN OP — Roulette [TETSUYA] [flac+scans(png)+cue+log]
133.5 MiB |
2010-05-26 05:25 |
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34 |
8.2 MiB |
2010-05-26 18:14 |
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0 |
Hidamari Sketch X Hoshimittsu Character CD Vol.3 Hiro [Gotou Yuuko] [flac+2scans+cue+log] [ANZX-9586]
152.8 MiB |
2010-05-27 10:41 |
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575.0 MiB |
2010-05-27 12:18 |
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Senkou no Night Raid ED Single – Mirai e... [HIMEKA] [flac+scans+cue+log] [SICL-234]
185.5 MiB |
2010-05-27 14:32 |
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0 |
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! OP Single — My Secret [Mizuno Saaya] [flac+scans+cue+log] [GNCA-017102]
130.3 MiB |
2010-05-28 16:59 |
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0 |
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! ED Single — Yokan [heidi] [flac+scans+cue+log] [GNCL-004702]
107.0 MiB |
2010-05-28 16:59 |
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0 |
[Animinoid][040303] 攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX~Music Archive Sound Files~ (WavPack Lossless+BK).7z
410.2 MiB |
2010-05-28 22:05 |
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2 |
0 |
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei OP Single — Maigo Inu to Ame no Beat [ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION] [flac+scans+cue+log] [KSCL-1580]
83.3 MiB |
2010-05-29 10:13 |
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169 |
Mitsudomoe Drama CD ~Densetsu no Hajimari~ [flac+scans(png)+cue+log] [LASA-5047]
313.5 MiB |
2010-05-29 10:13 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
[EAC] [100526] (シングル) TVアニメ バカとテストと召喚獣 木下秀吉オンリーシングル 「ワシとSONGと演劇魂」 / 木下秀吉(加藤英美里) (flac+cue)
148.8 MiB |
2010-05-29 12:06 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
[EAC] [100526] TVアニメ けいおん!! オフィシャル「バンドやろーよ!! ~Let’s MUSIC!!~」[バンドスコアなし]
447.5 MiB |
2010-05-29 12:15 |
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0 |
K-ON!! Official Band Yarou yo!! ~Let's MUSIC!!~ [Hokago Tea Time] [flac+scans+cue+log] [PCCG-01061]
445.5 MiB |
2010-05-29 15:42 |
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1 |
0 |
KissXSis Character Song Mini Album — Anata ni kiss [Taketatsu Ayana, Tatsumi Yuiko] [flac+scans(bmp)+cue+log] [KICA-3119]
178.3 MiB |
2010-05-29 15:42 |
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1 |
0 |
Nyan Koi! Character Song CD Cat.4 – Mochizuki Chizuru [Satou Rina] [flac+cue+audiochecker log] [PCXE-50033]
77.0 MiB |
2010-05-29 15:42 |
0 |
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0 |
[EAC][100429] ef - a fairy tale of the two. IMAGE SONG CD - echt forgather (ape+cue+rr3).rar
263.4 MiB |
2010-05-30 02:59 |
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17 |
「スーパーライブ 絢香 ”Peace loving...♥”」(2007.10.05)
13.0 GiB |
2010-05-30 22:04 |
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0 |
[100602] (シングル)放課後ティータイム - ぴゅあぴゅあはーと(FLAC+BK).rar
289.9 MiB |
2010-05-31 05:05 |
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0 |
WHITE ALBUM 2 ~introductory chapter~ OP&ED Single — Todokanai Koi [flac+scans+cue+log] [KICM-4033]
214.5 MiB |
2010-05-31 15:35 |
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1 |
0 |
[EAC] [100602] けいおん!! マキシシングル「ぴゅあぴゅあはーと」/放課後ティータイム (ape+cue)
286.3 MiB |
2010-06-01 06:18 |
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K-ON!! Insert Song Single — Pure Pure Heart [Hokago Tea Time] [flac+scans+cue+log] [PCCG-70075]
287.5 MiB |
2010-06-01 11:59 |
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0 |
[EAC] [100526] Precious Road~わたしだけの地図~ / 片霧烈火,霜月はるか,茶太,癒月,高山ゆうこ,Rita,羽鳥風画.rar
299.0 MiB |
2010-06-02 07:53 |
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10 |