Hi to all again! In 2nd time, I share to all the Radio CD of Akuma no Riddle, this CD in particular, I spent a lot of time thinking about buying it, since it wasn't in the entire network completely, but resisted a time out of stock or be much more expensive than I intended to pay, but ok, luckily I already have it to share with you
I have one more Radio CD to upload (Plus another that's already on the red, but not in FLAC, is in .tak) plus a serie that I want to upload together the rest of discography
The first disc have a new recording tracked onto 5 files, and the second disc have the 13 web radio programs in .mp3 128k (the most-use bitrate for that type of CDs)
Direct download: http://polocool95.blogspot.com/2017/09/radio-cds-de-anime.html
You want to contact me?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Polocool95
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/polo.perez.505523/
Discord: Polocool#5703
Mail: anepf95@hotmail.com
My (inactive or something) Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/polocool95
My Blog: https://polocool95.blogspot.com/
This is all, enjoy the Radio CD!
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