Hi! This this time, I share to all the first volume of the Gakou Gurashi Radio (original post in .tak. https://nyaa.si/view/741719)
How I say before, this radio was already on the web, but in this site is in .tak and some players don't support it, so, in this torrent, I share the CD converted into a playable format
The only reason to upload this first CD, is because I already have the second volume to share with all
Japanese tracklist:
Disc 1
01. 新規録りおろしラジオ
Disc 2
こちらGSH 学園・生活部・放送局 第01~08回
Romaji tracklist:
Disc 1
01. Shinki Tori Oroshi Radio
Disc 2
Kochira GSH Gakuen Seikatsu-bu Housoukyoku Dai 01~08 Kai
Direct download: http://polocool95.blogspot.com/2017/09/radio-cds-de-anime.html
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Mail: anepf95@hotmail.com
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Ok, this is all, enjoy this Radio CD, in a few hours I'll share the second one!
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