Hi to all again! In first time on this day, I upload the only missing Character Song of Sabagebu in FLAC (Also I upload the .mp3 version with the scans), and latter in this day I'll upload the complete music collection of this curious anime
Japanese Tracklist:
01. マジカル.カモフラージュ!
02. 銃.ゲーム.モワ.ノン.プリュ
03. マジカル.カモフラージュ! (Off Vocal)
04. 銃.ゲーム.モワ.ノン.プリュ (Off Vocal)
05. TVアニメ「さばげぶっ!」ショートドラマシリーズ かよ編
06. TVアニメ「さばげぶっ!」ショートドラマシリーズ サバゲンジャー編 #05
Romaji Tracklist:
01. Magical Camouflage!
02. Juu Game Moi Non Plus
03. Magical Camouflage! (Off Vocal)
04. Juu Game Moi Non Plus (Off Vocal)
05. TV Anime 「Sabagebu!」 Short Drama Series Kayou-Hen
06. TV Anime 「Sabagebu!」 Short Drama Series Sabaganger-Hen #05
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Ok, this is all, enjoy the Character Song single!
@Joe88 A month is nothing, I was searching a mid of year for the 4 first volumes complete but only the first 3 was uploaded in the iTunes version (Only the first 2 songs without instrumental nor drama) and the 4 isn't available in no-one site, neither the iTunes version, so, for that reason, I decided to buy the first four volumes, since the 5 was already on the web (in .mp3 and in the Music Collection of Nao Toyama, the voice actress of Kayo), and in ends of 2017 I buyed this volume, but for some reasons, I only was can upload it today
Comments - 4
Polocool95 (uploader)
Polocool95 (uploader)