it shouldve been "That's (called) 'shinjuu'."
Personally I would recommend using 心中 itself instead of shinjuu and having the TL note at the top be "心中 = lover suicide"
that's much easier for the viewer to read
@Jamime6 That what happen when you let's someone that who's should lay his head on bed subbing.
@UchiMakiDesu-senpai can you fix it, I got my hand full at home, coz I have to take care sick person here.
> it shouldve been “That’s (called) ‘shinjuu’.”
yeah, it's easier to understand for "sorewa 'shinjuu' desho." and using TL note "'心中' = lover suicide" it looks nice and also much easier for the viewer to read
@yuzukiyukari98 Muri desu...Senpai??
> Personally I would recommend using 心中 itself instead of shinjuu and having the TL note at the top be "心中 = lover suicide"
> it looks nice and also much easier for the viewer to read
You know what would be actually easy to read unlike these outlandish suggestions? If the line was translated as "That's called the lovers' suicide" in the first place, with no TL note.
And if anything, leaving in characters that most people who need subs to understand a movie *likely cannot even read* is simply disrespectful, so that's an automatic no.
I'm glad it was, cause I read so many ridiculous suggestions on this site, its predecessor, and in the comment sections on fansubbers' blogs (that they actually argued over) that I often end up going in expecting that people might actually mean what they say. I have no faith in humanity remaining at this point.
Comments - 13
UchiMakiDesu (uploader)
UchiMakiDesu (uploader)
UchiMakiDesu (uploader)
UchiMakiDesu (uploader)