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[HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 23 [720p].mkv (411.5 MiB)
Well... the story itself promising BUT the way anime represented it is... too prolix.
They should make this like Buddy Complex, 13eps + 2eps kanketsu-hen.
Btw no one notice that Goro voice is different in this ep? Did Ume-chan (Umehara Yuichiro) Goro' CV still hiatus until now?
i feel like i keep getting bitch slapped from this show since ep15..................who know the next 2 ova may progress nothing and killing our expectation again.
@yuyukosamanotameni agree dude....if sum up this show can be just a 12 episodes show that better than dragging like this.
Comments - 4