Checked the descriptions of Clear Card BDs, seems that this OAD is not getting a BD version. Get the source [here](https://nyaa.si/view/1053661).
SabaruSubs: Traditional and Simplified Chinese subs
Aomori-Raws: Encoding, Adjust timing, Fix typos, Check Simp. Chinese subs
PP: denoise, anti-aliasing, *fix chroma ~~bleeding~~ using AWarpSharp2* ([not an ideal pp](/view/1054984#com-4)), deband
Additional Multi-Subs: English (same as DVD), Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese
Hello, group Aomori-Raws, I am group SabaruSubs member, thank you use my group Chinese subs.
Both groups can communicate with each other, and your group can give contact method? (Telegram or E-Mail)
My group contact method, Telegram: #KabanP Email: SabaruTeam#protonmail.com (#=@)
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