Which groups? I can't find a good 1080p BD release worth archiving. :(
[Sumire] version has pretty good subs that are typesetted and include karaoke, but it is a web rip, not BD.
[T.H.X&A.I.R.nesSub&LittleBakas!] doesn't have english subs but does have 3 different versions of the BD and raw JP subs. Not sure which is the definitive edition though! Same with [Moozzi2]'s encode.
[Beatrice-Raws] has yellow subtitles that are un-tsed and un-edited.
[DmonHiro] release is just 720p and ripped un-tsed, un-edited crunchyroll subs.
Ideal release would probably have Sumire subs timed and edited to a BD copy with any new changes in the BD, if any compared to web release.
No Kametsu yet and they don't list it at all on their website. The specials obviously need some TLC. Anyone know the diffs between the [THX&AIRnesSub&LittleBakas] versions? Are they Ep01&02 combined? What is the best FLAC audio? I wonder how much Sumire's subs would have to be timed and edited for the best THXAIRSLB video version since I like the filter they used.
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TardSubs (uploader)