[Aomori-Raws] Sunohara-sou no Kanrinin-san - 02 [WebRip 1080p24 HEVC-10bit AAC] (Info: BDRip of 25-sai no Joshikousei and Omiai Aite wa Oshiego, Tsuyoki na, Mondaiji.)

Video Source: Web, 1080p, 30 fps, 5000 kbps
PP: decimate, trim frame 0, fix color matrix (709→601), denoise, anti-aliasing, line darken, deband
Audio: [HAS](https://nyaa.si/view/1056244) (BS11 252 kbps)
I figured that the BT.709 source went under a 601→709 process when being deinterlaced, so the reverse operation is done.
The poor de-interlacing caused the ED staff to flicker, so I did not exclude the ED from anti-aliasing. The OP staff looks OK under aa.
Note that the framerate is 24 fps, not 23.976, so you probably have to ~~shift 1~2 frames and~~ (I trimmed frame 0 this time) clip some keyframes if you are using [some other subs](https://animetosho.org/view/hass-sunohara-sou-no-kanrinin-san-02-2c68e84c-mkv.1241125).
Regarding our BD rips of *25-sai no Joshikousei* and *Omiai Aite wa Oshiego, Tsuyoki na, Mondaiji.*, you can find them on Sukebei. Thanks to U3-Project for BD source.
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