**Title**: Karakai Simulation Game
**Original title**: からかいシミュレーションゲーム
**Length**: Very short (< 2 hours)
**Year**: Japan 2018-03-28, English Patch 2018-07-22
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Not Voiced
**Related Anime**: [AniDB](http://anidb.net/a13270)
**Translation**: [Lonely Hikikomori](https://twitter.com/LnlyHikikomori)
PC mini game that will bundle with the first copies of the first DVD and Blu-ray Disc volume of the "Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san" anime. Player, who plays as Nishikata, has to max out the hearts in the game's "Tokimeki Gauge."
1. You need to change system locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install.
Thank you! The game works perfectly fine for me. For people who are having problems, try switching your PC's language for non-Unicode programs to Japanese instead of using applocale.
Comments - 6
superelmo (uploader)
superelmo (uploader)