ESPer Mami 001-035 + 044 [SF][720p Digital Remaster]

2018-07-27 07:33 UTC
File size:
9.4 GiB
Info hash:
![alt text]( "Sukoshi Fushigi ESPer Mami 001-035 + 044") ### ESPer Mami 001-035 + 044 Video: H.264 720p (HD Digital Remaster) Audio: DVD-Quality Audio (AC3) Subtitles: Sukoshi-Fushigi (Full ASS Softsub) Chapters: Included After a very long disappearance, we're teleporting back into your hearts and bringing you more episodes of everyone's favorite psychic girl, ESPer Mami! In the time since our last release of episode 19, we went through much, including events that kept us from releasing our already-finished episodes 20-28, and the hard drives with our work on the series to that point being irreparably destroyed. But after everything settled down, we were able to start up again, and continue. Little did we know that ESPer Mami would soon be getting a complete digital remaster, re-scanned in HD from the original master film reels! Because we want to bring you this classic show in the best quality possible, we redid our previous releases (as well as the episodes we had not been able to release) upgrading them for the higher resolution videos with better coloring than the DVDs we used to use, and continued where we left off! Other than our usual group members, we would like to thank: Akai-Shuichi for re-capping the TV airings of the series to provide the captions we lost due to the hard drive failures. PannenkoekenNL for telling us about the new HD digitally remastered episodes on the official Japanese streaming service. Zdm321 for providing instructions of how to download the remastered episodes from the service, as well as for providing the episodes themselves. **Important Note: The next episode previews at the end of episodes 24, 26, and 27 were included in both DVD format, and this new digital remaster as audio only, with a Japanese message explaining that the video portion of the master film for these segments had been lost. We have rebuilt the video portion for the previews of these three episodes using footage from the following episodes so that you can enjoy them fully. Also, as we explain in further detail down in the comments, we will not be releasing a 1080p version of any episodes unless a Blu-ray source is released. For although these remasters are a huge improvement over the heavily flawed DVDs, the streaming service providing them is doing so in much too low of a bitrate, causing easily noticeable artifacts at 1080p.** Enjoy, and we’ll be back with more Mami sometime soon!

File list

  • ESPer Mami 001-035 + 044 [SF][720p Digital Remaster]
    • ESPer Mami 001 [SF][720p][A1935E9C].mkv (256.9 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 002 [SF][720p][99440107].mkv (305.7 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 003 [SF][720p][930807CD].mkv (239.8 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 004 [SF][720p][43F395AA].mkv (246.6 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 005 [SF][720p][6D7467D6].mkv (231.4 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 006 [SF][720p][AF836659].mkv (249.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 007 [SF][720p][F485A759].mkv (272.0 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 008 [SF][720p][358D2187].mkv (274.7 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 009 [SF][720p][5A2BB5DC].mkv (257.9 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 010 [SF][720p][60965518].mkv (323.4 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 011 [SF][720p][E020DC7B].mkv (247.3 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 012 [SF][720p][730384A6].mkv (286.0 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 013 [SF][720p][5C442FCF].mkv (240.9 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 014 [SF][720p][11FB8F48].mkv (258.4 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 015 [SF][720p][C742EE62].mkv (266.0 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 016 [SF][720p][6C744CA3].mkv (264.4 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 017 [SF][720p][7D449B63].mkv (235.9 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 018 [SF][720p][E43890FB].mkv (282.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 019 [SF][720p][1B5C46AE].mkv (250.7 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 020 [SF][720p][94190426].mkv (272.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 021 [SF][720p][AD36EFB3].mkv (259.7 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 022 [SF][720p][22E74C5F].mkv (260.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 023 [SF][720p][EFBBC465].mkv (282.5 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 024 [SF][720p][789F6025].mkv (249.6 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 025 [SF][720p][5C0C0452].mkv (270.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 026 [SF][720p][932808DF].mkv (289.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 027 [SF][720p][D87E7F63].mkv (288.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 028 [SF][720p][D9227491].mkv (297.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 029 [SF][720p][F09A3075].mkv (306.4 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 030 [SF][720p][8B1CFAAC].mkv (261.6 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 031 [SF][720p][345F5E2D].mkv (273.6 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 032 [SF][720p][317F6183].mkv (272.0 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 033 [SF][720p][69CFE67B].mkv (283.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 034 [SF][720p][FB7253B0].mkv (266.2 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 035 [SF][720p][3B3E8650].mkv (234.5 MiB)
    • ESPer Mami 044 [SF][720p][B9F1037D].mkv (296.6 MiB)
May I assume that this is downscaled to 720p? If yes, would you mind share the untouched raws? In any case, thanks for worked on my favorite childhood series.
Great news! :)
@Kaiser: Yes, these were downscaled to 720p, because we're compensating for the fact that the HD digital remaster is, so far, only available on a certain Japanese streaming service that bitrate starves their streams. Therefore, 1080p versions will only come if/when the series sees a Blu-ray release.
I'm going to upload this anime in 1080p (~5100 kb/s), but the sound in my resource is worse (AAC).
Since Kaiser and pukidesu are talking about the 1080p version, here's some more details about it. Due to this being an older show with analog film grain, the 5100kbps bitrate that the the streaming service encoded their videos at is not enough, causing compression artifacts that are easily noticeable at 1080p. Also, the streaming service's videos are 30fps, instead of the correct 23.976fps. Additionally, there has been at least one case (notably in episode 5) where this remaster has removed parts of a scene that was present in the earlier DVD release, presumably due to the film masters having having become damaged during that scene since the DVD release. We have re-added this scene for consistency. As for the audio, the streaming service has notably worse 128Kbps AAC audio, while these releases come from the much better DVD audio source. It's for these reasons that we have decided to refrain from 1080p releases unless a Blu-ray is released, and why it's better for you viewers to watch the 720p releases until then.
Ugh, resolutionwhoring. Has nobody heard the phrase "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" anymore?
@Mami-ko You are absolutely right about web source. No one argues.
I always want to save untouched raws for future use, not that I say the release quality is bad. If anything, it was improved so much compare to the very old DVDs. @Mami-ko Thanks for your effort for this series.
@Mami-ko Thanks for the release and for adding the lost scenes.
Episode 05 lost scenes... My, I thought it was due to Mami being naked... :o
@Kaiser, @pukidesu: Thanks for the compliments! We'll keep doing our best on the series ^_^ @JohnnyB: The lost scene in episode 5 actually was a segment of the flashback scene where the ghost of Takahata's grandfather appeared before his family shortly after he died in WWII. The parts of the scene that were missing showed some signs of damage even on the DVD release, so we can only assume the damage on the film masters they used to make the DVDs in 2007 only degraded further in the 11 years since then. Also, if they cut out parts of episodes due to Mami being naked, almost every episode would have missing scenes, and almost all of episode 46 would be missing. :(
Look forward to episode 46, then! :)
Thanks a lot guys, Hope you can do the whole series on this quality!
Awesome! Will you be releasing rest of the series too? Or at least 720p raws?
@Abystoma:Yes, we will keep on releasing Mami until the entire series, including the TV special, 'Dancing Dolls in the Starlit Sky' movie, and the unaired pilots have been subbed.
That's some very good news then. Keep up the good work!


I just tested the first episode in VLC, and it seems to be having compatibility issues, as the subtitles aren't showing up. Hope this issue can get resolved if possible.
Confirmed. VLC 3.0.0 / Win7x64 crashes on any episode.
Try with Media Player Classic.


Tried with Mac Media Player, a port of MMC, didn't work. It works in mpv tho. Fingers crossed that the final batch solves the issue
I'd like to point out that although many people will vouch for it, VLC is the worst possible media player to play back subtitled anime on due to the way it handles everything internally and doesn't use the standard video rendering and subtitle filters needed. For subtitled anime, we greatly recommend Windows users using Media Player Classic with the built-in LAV filters and VSfilter for subtitles. As an alternative, and for non-Windows users, using mplayer2 or mpv also plays the episodes back fine. Note that this is NOT a problem with our releases, but rather a problem with how VLC and some other players handle video and subtitle rendering in the Matroska video (.mkv) container and is why usage of VLC is generally discouraged among those who subtitle anime.
Thank you so much!
Will you do 480p downscales of this HDRip to replace dvdrip?
Did Mami had naked nipples In the dvdrip? Because in this rip there's no nipples
Are there any news on this? According to anidb there was no new episode released after this batch and the groups website doesn't exist anymore. :-(
Why didn't you guys just kept hd op and Ed and Instead upscaled dvd?
It seems you cut out remastered hd op, Ed and Instead sliced in sd dvd masters, but why?
Can you guys please make a new Doraemon 2005 batch torrent containing all eps (both 720p, 480p) that you have subbed?
It'd have been great if you could sub Esper Mami Dancing Doll in the Starry sky movie(both the remastered DVD Widescreen, VHS Fullscreen version, existing subs for this is not so good), as well as Doraemon movies, both Fullscreen DVD and remastered 1080p WEB-DL versions
Now there's 1080p remastered for esper Mami movie