Thanks to MAL@U2 for 1080i BD source.
720p 10-bit HEVC + AAC, with FLAC in MKA.
PP (SD): inverse telecine, vinverse, crop, fix color range, nr-deband, descale
PP (HV): inverse telecine, vinverse, fix color range, nr-deband, crop & descale
No re-encode this time.
Details of the last box:
[[Aomori-Raws] Katekyo Hitman Reborn (Box 1) [BDRip 720p HEVC-10bit AAC] (with Lossless Audio)](https://nyaa.si/view/1059720)
Main issues of the source:
1\. Issue of interlacing: same as the last box. Plus, the light and dark lines fields should be caused by MBAFF of the source; no extra PP. Deinterlacing of bonus: Movie clips (24t/30p interleave) = still IVTC due to VS' bad support for VFR; Dubbings (30p+24d+combs in subs) = decimate -> only vinverse; Credits (60i in separate file) -> Bob.
2\. Issue of colors: same as the last box.
3\. Other issues: same as the last box. Titles are still written in MKV container as the HV part discs still have connected videos and inparsable menu. (plus weird chapters)
Still please report major issue only (like corrupted video or wrong audio).
Fixing ETA is not promised.
1\. Rearranged the directories, bonus categorized, plus some renames.
2\. Rename of menus and bonus menus placed in the new folder.
3\. Adjustments of the videos: encode settings on (since no re-encode is done), matrix settings off (idk), some FLAC audio encoded with a different tool.
Naming and directories will apply to Box 1 in the batch.
Anyone arrange some subs? lol
Ideas and suggestions (e.g. on file/folder naming) are welcome.
@everyone Here you have the English Subtitles for Episodes 1-203. They were for DVDRip so I am not so sure about their timeing. BUT, they are better than nothing ;D
(I will send this comment for every Box Set just in case)
Thank you for your releases on Katekyo Hitman Reborn @Aomori
Will you ever do a 1080p version? Also will you upload Box 3? I found a link for it here, but idk how the process works
Also if you don't want to do 1080p Versions is there a way you can upload the BDMV's for the boxes? I could encode it in 1080p
Could you download the bdmv from this page and re-upload them to mega? in 1080p
Comments - 13