[Normie10032] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 01 [Eng][1080p].mkv

2018-10-05 22:26 UTC
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811.5 MiB
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This is not a machine translation, but please don't expect the highest quality either.

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  • [Normie10032] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 01 [Eng][1080p].mkv (811.5 MiB)
bump for a while
GJM's doing this, so maybe just wait for that one.
Will you be subbing the whole season or is this just until a bigger sub group picks it up? If you'll be subbing it, I'll stick with you. Also judging by your username, I'm guessing you're a fan of the Index/Railgun franchise.

Normie10032 (uploader)

@Sigma_103 The group GJM is doing this one, so I'm not entirely sure about my place in the fan sub scene. I managed this episode, but they said their own translation would be delayed this time so I might not be needed at all next week, since they'd most likely be quicker than a single guy. Oh and it's only natural to pick a name fitting the series ;)
@Normie10032 We are indeed doing the series, yeah. Our expected schedule is 24-48 hours post-release each week, this one included, as we're unfortunately a group made up of people with schedules nowadays. And like the others said, nice name. :P

Normie10032 (uploader)

@GoodJobMedia Thanks for the hard work! This fansubbing stuff really is hard labour. Anyway I *might* continue this little project, just for those who are as thirsty as Kuroko :P
@Normie10032 It really is, isn't it? :P Fansubbing is a fun learning experience, especially as a translator. If you choose to continue then good luck with it, hope you get some fun out of it!
Why not work together comrades? FOR THE MOTHERLAND AND FANSUBBING
I love this series and am really looking forward to it... and will most certainly be waiting on GJM after this... [thank you @Normie10032 for this ep01] BUT.. I'm still going to bitch about the first minute and a half of recycled footage... they couldn't draw up a new intro?!?
These subs seem good. If you see fit to sub the rest of the series, I wouldn't mind using your subs in the future.
I hope you continue this series :D
The nickname of Misaka - "Biri biri" are (electric shock) teaser. On my language the translation sounds better :)
Quality was pretty good. Thanks, man. Waited 8 years just to get blue balls'd by Crunchyroll not nabbing an English License. Honestly, you're a hero. Regardless of whether or not you continue it down the road, I'mma always be thankful you got episode 1 out on day one. Nice hustle.
@xAndersen, yeah, in the sub, Touma calls Mikoto "Biri Biri." I hope GJM's subs use the right terms for each person. Like some subbers for this series have "sissy" where Kuroko says "Onee-sama" (Kuroko calls her "sissy" in the dub). Either way, at least someone really good is picking it up. I have lost a bit of faith in HorribleSubs. This is the FIRST time they have ever let me down, and I've been using them for YEARS.
spanish > english?
@sigma_103 In my language biribiri is slang for talkative people to the point their are annoying. I think it fits perfectly when Touma uses it.
Will UTW make a comeback for this? they have been MIA for a while
Any groups picking this up or are we stuck with google/bing subs?
@Sigma_103 why would you have any faith in horriblesubs? Do you believe they translate the shows? KEK!
Thank you so much for this @Normie10032
Thanks for your hard job bro !!
Indeed, fansubbing really is a hard thing to do. We plebs will never be able to imagine the weekly translations you higher beings do.
Good Job, I hope you can keep it up through the rest of the series.
@sigma_103 i not really bother with the terms of family relations, some subbers use the original, some translate them. Same for the subs on my native language. I have the Maical Index series subs both english and hungarian from different teams, with different terms. Someone translate them, someone not. Since i am a bit addict of animes, i learned a few dozen japanese word, but i guess there are more people who not, so i prefer a proper translation, not to slip over some onee sama or aniki ....
@Normie10032 Also. I would love to follow you if you would decide to continue on this road!
thanks bruh, almost a decade waiting and its here... 3rd world war and hamazura shiage i come...
Thank you very much!!! Waiting for 8 years for this momment.
@Normie10032, be careful if trying to go it alone. If fansubbing loses its fun, beware because that's an early symptom of burnout - the reason that so many groups don't survive past a few episodes. @Tenouji, indeed, and the translator's job is the most stressful of any in the entire team. (From one who's been part of the Doremi team for almost a dozen years)
Keep it up, screw the cartel's meme subs.
Misaka and Mikasa in one season !!!
@Normie10032 Have you decided whether or not you will continue subbing Toaru Majutsu no Index III? I hope that you will continue.