- **Update:** Alt. DDLs, MediaInfo, Screenshots, and subtitles files available on https://animetosho.org/view/.n1093997
If this need a reseed, hit me up at #exiled-destiny@irc.rizon.net

So 480p is supposed to look like that huh! ? For that resolution and quality, file size is ridiculous.
Not only that, this file is only seeded until 97%. ?
People are giving this anime a chance, instead you are trolling others.
Reminder that some people can't afford to seed 24/7
You could've gotten them alrd if you just go to kametsu and get it from GDrive
I uploaded the torrent here simply bcos it hasn't been uploaded here yet
It's all about efficiency. Why waste my bandwidth when I can simply upload a ratio of 1.0 to a filehoster?
And why seed to internet anons when there's no guarantee that they will seed back anyway? And who knows how many of those are leech bot or spy bot.
I made sure to seed my anime torrents until animetosho fetch them anyway. And that took me 8.6 GB for this torrent.
I've seen cases where I give DDL to a torrent which I never seed, but someone end up getting them from the DDL and seed them.
Comments - 10
RamenSub (uploader)
RamenSub (uploader)