Yup, I've redone this show since the raws I used before were... well... crap. They also had a bit of an audio problem. I got may hands on the BDMVs this time.
I really like this little show. It was one of the first anime I ever watched. It’s cute, the characters are endearing and the battles are pretty good. The animation is mediocre, sadly.
The second show may or may not get a BD version. Its situation is different then the first. I hope it does. The subtitles are vobsubs from E-D.
A request about this anime: During one of the flashbacks of Jiyu and her father they have a conversation about subtractions. Jiyu says that when subtracting 7 from 16 you borrow 10 from the tens column, subtract 7 then add the 6. But she does not understand when to return the borrowed 10. Her father says she does not need to return it. I understand it’s a play on words since “ten” and “Jiyu” sound the same in Japanese. But I don’t understand the metaphor. Hoping a kind user here can enlighten me.
Oh fun, what are the chances they will do a blu ray for it? seems slim if they don;t jsut do it all at once and filter it through 1-4 sets to milk all its worth.
Thanks for the release. I just watched the show and regarding your question about not needing to return the 10, I think the idea is that he's trying to teach Jubei about unconditional love; parental love that doesn't need to be "returned". She can simply keep his affection without feeling an obligation to make up for it in some way because his love for her is not transactional.
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