## [mr-moon]
Our goal is to become a reliable source of light novels. There are thousands of fan translate volumes out there and most are only accessible through a browser. This is an attempt of creating a thriving community of Light Novel lovers who are willing to seed and share light novels under a common name.
**seed seed seed**
The only way these light novels will stay alive is by you seeding it. If you like any of the uploaded light novels than help the community by seeding it.
## Please buy the original
If a light novel becomes available in your country please buy a copy of it to support the author.
Please read the rules.
>Flooding: If you have five or more releases of the same type to release in one go, make a batch torrent containing all of them.
Fifteen volumes of a light novel also falls under this rule. Furthermore, if your goal really is to become a reliable source of light novel torrents, batches are the way to go. From a convenience perspective, it is easier for users to download one torrent, and it does not pollute the list of torrents in a client as much. From a longevity perspective, batch torrents increase the number of people seeding the entire series for a longer period of time. From our perspective, flooding the site with individual releases pollutes the search and RSS feeds of our users. Please don't do it again.
I encourage you to re-upload these as a batch and delete the old ones.
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