Ladies and Gents, here you go! Brought to you by a small coalition of blokes on the internet, here's the second instalment that you've been waiting for! Now featuring more dancing, more obscure hula instruments (uli-what-now?), more girls, and more humour-filled exploits from the land of Japanese hula club schoolgirls. What isn't there to look forward to at this point? No, really. What else could there be? We've been stuck in a cave watching this on repeat. This is all we know now. Ia Ia Hulaing Girls and all that.
Anyway! Raws were provided by the lovely chaps over at PA-Subs ( You can find the original file here if you're interested - May the hula gods look favourably upon your offering!
With a skip and a hop,
ChunChunMaru Subs
P.S. To the few people (yes, all three of you) who're interested in seeing us work on the new season of Kakegurui - first of all, we're all incredibly flattered that you've stuck around long enough to still recognise us despite our deplorably inconsistent nature. Unfortunately, it really doesn't look like we're going to tackle anything else. This sweet lil' thing is probably the extent of our contributions this time around. Never fear, though! We hear the second season's in really good hands!
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