Hello Everyone, this is my first torrent. I noticed there wasnt a torrent that had a compilation of Captain Tsubasa (2018) Episodes. So I decided to make one.
It is from Episode 1 to 42.
All the episodes were taken from here and compiled into a folder. Enjoy
Again I ASSUME NOTHING! (not a newbie to this site)
We should have an ANIMEDUB section but we don't!
I have downloaded stuff in the past that I thought was dubbed but wasn't.
A few tiny little letters is not asking too much. Sub Dub or Dual.
I'm not asking for me i'm just trying to get a new poster to add a little vital info.
@JoeBlowfish, sorry bro. But i cannot edit it for some reason. Sorry for the inconvenience, for the life of me, I had forgotten to add it in. You do make a point though. Will do for all future posts hopefully.
@Abysmalangel, anytime bro. I just started watching yesterday actually, I downloaded all the episodes from Nyaa itself, compiled them and made a torrent. I am at episode 5 now <3
@Everyone. Just wanted to let you know. I am going to officially stop seeding this torrent when the last episode of Captain Tsubasa by CaptainTsubasaFansub is released.
After that, I will create a torrent that has all of the CaptainTsubasaFansub episodes compiled.
P.S: Would like to thank CaptainTsubasaFansub for their work. I just want to compile them for people like me, who like to find a single torrent to download all the episodes.
This show was never dubbed in English. lol
However, the older series were dubbed in Portuguese, Castillan, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin Spanish and a couple other languages.
Comments - 10
CrimsonDischarge (uploader)
CrimsonDischarge (uploader)
CrimsonDischarge (uploader)