[CCM] Hulaing Babies (Flying Babies) - 04 (1280x720 x264 AAC)

2019-02-03 09:27 UTC
Made by ChunChunMaru Subs
File size:
71.3 MiB
Info hash:
Ladies and Gentlemen! At long last, after a whole week of shivering in our chairs and suffering from other, more egregious withdrawal symptoms, we can have our fix again! This episode not only brings you the charming antics of physics-defying hula dancers and nipple-related tomfoolery, but also guarantees to keep any potential Italian gunslingers off your back! Would-be assassins begone! Now that's a deal if I ever saw one! Raws were provided by the always lovely chaps over at Ohys-Raws (https://nyaa.si/user/ohys). For those interested, here's the original, un-subtitled episode in its full glory: https://nyaa.si/view/1115020 With a friendly reminder to keep your nipples safe and protected, ChunChunMaru Subs

File list

  • [CCM] Hulaing Babies (Flying Babies) - 04 (1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv (71.3 MiB)
Thank you! Love the artstyle.
Thanks a lot!
One of the hidden gems of the season. Thanks so much.
Thanks again for the quality subs!
Wonderful, thanks a ton.
Is there a new episode this week or what?

ChunChunMaruSub (uploader)

@Beabosaur @Everyoneelsewhilewe'reatit Unfortunately, while the episode has been aired at this point in time, there don't seem to be any downloadable sources available. We're not just referring to torrents, either - even the usual streaming sites haven't gotten around to uploading them, and the only one that has uses a protocol that's incompatible with most, shall we say, 'unorthodox retrieval' tools. We dug a little deeper, and it turns out that the whole series has been blocked on one of the more prominent sites. Obviously, we can't just point to this particular site and confidently declare it the root of the problem, but it's still cause for some minor apprehension. Regardless, it looks like we're just going to have to wait this out a bit. Here's hoping it won't take too long!
CCM, regardless of what comes out of this, thank you so unbelievably much for taking up this show and giving quality subs soon after release, seriously. I legitimately didn't think anyone would pick this show up. You guys are the MVPs!
Well fuck, and here I wanted more of this. Hopefully it will stop getting blocked.
Here's to hoping that the raw becomes available so that the quality subs can continue!
It seems like there is a raw (of potentially questionable quality) available on YouTube. It claims to be 720p, and it looked that way after ripping it.
There are raws for 5 and 6 episode on nyaa already, but from different people: Leo and Ohys.