[Noem-light] Killing Bites (BD 720p HEVC)

2019-03-16 15:22 UTC
No information.
File size:
4.8 GiB
Info hash:
720p HEVC x265 10bit AAC 320 Video source - nnm-club Typesetting - Bolshevik Script - HorribleSubs with fixes - translation errors; missing lines, signs and wordplays; honorifics and name order

File list

  • Killing Bites
    • Killing Bites - 01.mkv (452.4 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 02.mkv (403.0 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 03.mkv (404.0 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 04.mkv (378.5 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 05.mkv (413.8 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 06.mkv (448.3 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 07.mkv (404.0 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 08.mkv (409.4 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 09.mkv (350.5 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 10.mkv (431.5 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 11.mkv (498.6 MiB)
    • Killing Bites - 12.mkv (366.2 MiB)


Crappy anime with an even worse ending..

Noem-light (uploader)

@D44 No one cares about your shitty opinion, brainlet. Go watch your isekai and battle shounens, you're not mentally developed enough to understand why that ending was a masterpiece.
thank you :-) ... this was an interesting story @ Noem-light ... sadly there are a LOT of tards who will never be able to understand stories like this one ... partly because it fits under the genre "dark/twisted" ... that sometimes covers current tech/research that gets pushed in directions that few would expect that it could be taken ... and even scarier, manga/anime that shows things that most people willingly choose to ignore, like Satsuriku no Tenshi that shows what can really happen to people who get bullied/brutalized for too long ... or Chi no Wadachi that shows what can really happen when a parent is waaaaaayyyyyy too over-protective/possessive of a child

Noem-light (uploader)

@komugi Thanks for reminding, Satsuriku no Tenshi is a series I'd probably want to rewatch BDs eventually, and make my own release if there aren't any good ones. Though, this won't be soon. Watch Happy Sugar Life if you like similar shows.
pretty sure no one really liked this one especially given the really low ratings it had and it was not well received. also people do understand this story it's not really anything and it doesn't know if it wants to be a drama or a comedy especially after season 1 where the manga goes into a predictable revenge story.

Noem-light (uploader)

@Fu-reiji Why does every underaged mouth breather think their statement of not liking the show has any value in a place for people downloading shit they've specifically searched for? And your idea of "no one" is just your echo chamber of uneducated fuckwits. This show was 1) Most watched Amazon's anime license. 2) Massively popular and liked on r/anime 3) Massively popular and liked on /a/. Literally everyone who matters liked it. Same advise as to the previous guy - go back to watching your entry-level kiddy trash and don't trespass onto the territory of art/entertainment for legal adults that is it too complex for you yet.
@ Noem-light ... thanks for that recommendation, I have heard of that series, but not what it was really about ... I'll give it a look
@ Noem-light ok ... since you made an interesting recommendation to me ... let me make a couple of recommendations of the dark/twisted genre to you that you might like ... they are "Suicide Club/Jisatsu Circle ... they did a live action movie (Suicide Club), and then a manga of it (Jisatsu Circle) ... I have seen (and have) Suicide Club ... and have read/have Jisatsu Circle ... the live action movie is well worth watching ... and the manga is worth reading (it is complete in one vol) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_Club_(film) https://myanimelist.net/manga/1702/Jisatsu_Circle the other is "Limit" ... there was alive action tv series based on the story, and very well worth watching ... the manga has a problem, the licensed version is pure crap, they made the Japanese high school girls sound like the very worst of the 1980's California "Valley Girls" with god-awful slang ... and the fan-sub scanlator group, in their version, sprayed their logo all over the pages in some ch's, and I have never been able to find a complete set of it, the fan-sub scanlator group evidently got all butt-hurt that their work was showing up on multiple sites and made sure that no one could get a complete set of it ... it would be wonderful if some group could do a complete translation of it http://asianwiki.com/Limit_-_Japanese_Drama https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limit_(manga) (I have a complete set of the tv series, and a partial setoff the fan-sub'd version of the manga) for some reason the link to the live action tv series does not want to display correctly ... it is http://asianwiki.com/Limit_ - _ Japanese_Drama (remove the blanks in between the Limit_ - _ Japanese_drama) .... and if you do a cut/paste copy of the link for the manga and use it in your browser it should take you to the right page
the downside of this show is. it possible made for just promote the manga since this 12 episodes is nothing but a first arc, which is as good as a prologue of the real story. and it not even end the first volume of manga.
Any significant changes from the TV release?