Greetings from **CaptainTsubasaFansub**,
2 left. . .
Part I
Hyuga headbutts Takasugi,
Yet that man books him...
And still calls himself a referee...
But we all know how big a cunt is he..
Doping and performance enhancement drugs should be illegal;
And normally they are...
Yet we saw, they gave these so called "painkillers" to a middle school kid...
I guess in Japan that's what is normal...
JFF should investigate these matters further...
Part II
Hyuga taketh, Morisaki caught...
Tsubasa about to taketh, Tyger deflected...
Tyger taketh, Ishizaki headbutted...
Wakashimazu taketh, Takasugi's knee blocked...
Tsubasa taketh, Wakashimazu stopped...
Ferocious Tyger taketh, Tsubasa's stomach caught...
Tsubasa taketh, Tyger intercepted...
Ball stopped still...
Tsubasa taketh, Wakashimazu repelled it with a karate chop...
Ball goes back the one who cherish it most...
Tsubasa taketh, Tyger sent it back...
Tsubasa taketh once and for all...
Rainbow shone and ball went for goal...
Wakashimazu jumped, ball hit him hard...
Tyger caught them tight...
And this was the Yomiuri Land Ping-Pong
Tsubasa yo hashire...
Tsubasa yo hashire...
And that pretty much sums up what this episode is about. . .
And we’re here to take you to this episode along with them. . .
>**We didn't give permission to anyone, to use our TLs or our stylings in their shitty Robosubs, yet they steal them anyway.**
Our **Public QC challenge** a.k.a. "**Please find our mistakes**" still stands and continues, we're waiting your submissions;
>As you may saw last week we have a challenge for you, please do mention mistakes you find in our [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/vnpvjjJ) channel for we can change them in the upcoming releases.
>Credits episode 50:
Translators: Aria
Translation Checkers: Aria, nothingxs
Editor: nothingxs
Quality Checkers: Aria, MHiN
Timer: Touji
Typesetters: -
Comments - 12