Ladies and Gentlemen!
We've returned! Like a phoenix from the ashes! Like a revenant from the grave! Like a particularly nasty rash! Guess who clawed their way through the dirt of lethargy and general inconveniences! That's right, these lads right here! Thought we'd croaked, did ya? Well, that- honestly, that remains to be seen.
First of all, we're all awfully sorry about the late delivery. No need to go into too many specifics, but we happened to run into a few major technical difficulties that more or less neutered any attempt at keeping up our old (and extremely unreliable) pace. Are we being a little too crude in our verbiage? Maybe, but hey. If the shoe fits, we might as well kick through the soles and wear it at knee-height, eh? And yes, that made as little sense to us as it did to you. We're on our last legs here, and the shoes aren't doing us any bloody favours.
Now then, let's forget about all the pointless fluff. Since we've done you quite a bit of an injustice by keeping you waiting for so long, we thought it would be a great idea to just release what would have been the final product a little earlier than planned: that's right, we hereby present a batch version of **all available episodes**! Not just the same old ones you've already taken the time to download, of course. The batch version comes with extra **opening lyrics** and **karaoke**, courtesy of our beloved MVP, **tato2oscar**! (Many hugs and smooches, you wonderful creature.)
Additionally, we finally got around to tweaking a few problems here and there, including but not limited to **the hula man skit in the first episode we never got to translate**. Wonder why we haven't come up with an excuse for that one yet. That's in there now, in any case, and it is *hilarious*, let me tell ya. Maybe you can watch that episode after catching up with the season, eh? Maybe you can use that as an excuse to binge the series a few time, eh, eh? Wink, wink? Nudge, nudge?
With all that out of the way, we hope you'll all enjoy the wholesome and now actually whole collection of cute girls and their adorable hula antics. We hope that we were able to provide you with some decent, fulfilling entertainment. You've been a great crowd, lads and lasses! Cheers, fair tidings, and see you another time!
With a big smack on the lips and a hearty slap on the bum,
ChunChunMaru Subs
*P.S. The batch file comes with a **collection of fonts**, the installation of which is recommended in order to properly enjoy the karaoke-fied opening lyrics. Unless you happen to be some form of dyslexic madman who takes pleasure in being exposed to garish squiggly lines, lines who've entertained the idea of 'cohesion' but abandoned it in favour of performing their mystical wormy dances of doom. But hey, if that floats your boat, who are we to judge?*
*P.P.S. We find that MPC (Media Player Classic) tends to work best for these things.*

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