Yet another terrible King Records upscale of a cel animated show.
Whoever did that comparison, he needs to get rid of his fucking motion interpolation before taking the screenshots, c'mon! you can't make accurate screens with 60fps motion interpolation ffs.
But anyways you only need to take a look at screenshot #5 and #6 to see how disgusting this upscale is, is way worse than what any amateur can do with avisynth, what a fucking shame.
@jakecr I don't see any motion interpolation there. Screenshots look correct.
The blurays are based off of the same source used in the DVDs which had blended frames. These frames have been ruined during mastering, and there isn't much that can be done to try to fix it.
But yea, this isn't motion interpolation.
@kriNon yeah you might be correct, back when i wrote that I didn't watched this version, anyways can't a deblending plugin help somewhat to mitigate this? I was thinking of buying the BD just to share the BDMV but if it's this bad and unfixable then i might as well not even bother.
Hey guys! To whoever is trying to find good subtitles for this BD release here they are (work for 720p and 1080p):!AUhyiIzb!GrHvZo1HIGafq7kPS5Yjg2q-6Voc-8FyW4lp6erYXO4
These are from the original DVD release which AnnoCinema on twitter was so kind to give me access to. I fixed styles, fonts, and timings. Be sure to install the fonts inside the .rar so the font styles look they way they should! :)
Thanks for sharing this!
Not sure what everyone else is on about but the quality is a big step up from the dvd release with both colors being much more vibrant and lines being a lot sharper.
There is a bit of blur going on that wasn't in the original releases, but overal i'd def recommend this version over the tv and dvd rips.
Its a shame its still in 4:3 but i guess we cant get it all ;)
Also thanks @wolf_leblanc for sharing the subs. not sure what DoomWhite is on about either but the subtitles work great for me and seem to be perfectly synced.
(install fonts then load subtitles in vlc player.)
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