1st episode has no intro.......unable to see.......title
video quality not as good as 1st part posted by LuckyUltra7
jerkiness/blurring in every video (ever few seconds)
audio is off in random points of every video
it's ok.............but not even close to first part "LuckuUltra7"
ep 27 is a broken file starts 2sec,,,,,,,,,,,black for 10sec then sound....then flicker of the title
won't play on vlc player
must be ur capture device.........
had a thought........1st to tackle the blurriness/jerkiness in the videos....deinterlaced (also used detelecine) all the videos........seems to fix the blurriness and jerkiness...........videos must be interlaced
so if u download.............deinterlace the videos........to make the videos pretty much perfect.......i used vidcoder
u can also set video options to 640 x 480.........to get rid of black bars (rt/lft).....and then the size of the video is about 230megs
now to episode 27...........it is a broken file.........the intro goes black......may or may not play
can the uploader of the torrent...........rip ep 27 again? hopefully file is not broken at the intro and will play
Comments - 6
Federc17 (uploader)