[DmonHiro] FLCL Alternative (BD, 720p)

2019-06-03 14:33 UTC
File size:
5.0 GiB
Info hash:
Well, here we are, more then 18 years later, watching the second FLCL sequel. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t mind blowing either. I enjoyed it, and I do think it does have some interestin things about it. Animation’s pretty good, but it’s just not as memorable. Worth a watch if you enjoyed the original. Subs are from the Erai-Raws release. Sound is 5.1. Yeah, not much to say about this one either. I kind of enjoyed Progressive a little more, but that's mostly because I like Hidomi a little better then Kana.

File list

jap or eng audio?

DmonHiro (uploader)

Japanese, obviously. I never do English dubs.
Appreciate your sharing your work here on Nyaa.
Thanks for timing the subs for the movie!! Movie version is better as one cohesive experience.
What happened to DmonHiro's Seishun Buta Yarou torrent? I saw it a few days ago on nyaa and bookmarked it, but I'm getting a "404 Not Found" now and I can no longer find it anywhere.

DmonHiro (uploader)

I took it down because I fucked up: poor subs, audio wasn't synchronized properly... basically a huge mess. Will remake it.
Thank you very much!
Got a copyright infrigement notice from Cartoon Network for downloading this torrent, lol. The last time I got one of those must've been a decade ago at least...
got one of those for Progressive myself, LOL. Any XDCC bots have this?
Thanksss!!!! I will subbed to my fansubs!! Last part after progressive sequels
Thank you very much!