[Mangagamer] Himawari - The Sunflower - / ひまわり [Visual Novel; English]

2019-06-19 20:54 UTC
File size:
2.7 GiB
Info hash:
![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/R0ML0J7T/c.jpg) **Title**: Himawari **Original title**: ひまわり **Length**: Long (30 - 50 hours) **Year**: Japan 2007-12-31, English Version 2016-12-09 **Developer**: Frontwing & Blank Note **Publishers**: MangaGamer **Language**: English **Voice**: Japanese **Description**: ![alt text](https://www.mangagamer.com/user_data/free_html/Store%20-%20Store%20Visual.jpg) ![alt text](http://www.mangagamer.org/himawari/images/chara.png) Source: [MangaGamer](http://www.mangagamer.org/himawari/) **Important**: 1. No need to install. **!!!** An update correcting various typos and text display issues! **System Requirements**: Required CPU: Core 2 Duo Required Memory: 1GB Recommended Memory: 2GB Required Resolution: 960x544 Required Graphics: VRAM 320MB Recommended Graphics: VRAM 512MB **Screenshots**: ![alt text](https://www.mangagamer.com/user_data/tmp/screenshots/20161111152430.jpg) ![alt text](https://www.mangagamer.com/user_data/tmp/screenshots/20161111152424.jpg) ![alt text](https://www.mangagamer.com/user_data/tmp/screenshots/20161111152446.jpg) ![alt text](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/554290/ss_84d4a78fb2e5f8bdb213fab0013c08fdc4bc6552.1920x1080.jpg) ![alt text](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/554290/ss_71a413a672f29dfa5001c0f70db6cd585a893647.1920x1080.jpg)

File list

  • Himawari -The Sunflower-
    • config
      • startup.xml (38.8 KiB)
    • Himawari.exe (4.6 MiB)
    • bgm.int (117.5 MiB)
    • config.int (85.8 KiB)
    • cs2conf.dll (810.5 KiB)
    • direct.dat (64 Bytes)
    • fes.int (258.8 KiB)
    • icon.ico (39.6 KiB)
    • image.int (350.5 MiB)
    • kcs.int (155.4 KiB)
    • kx2.int (104.3 KiB)
    • language.txt (75.4 KiB)
    • mot.int (34.1 KiB)
    • movie.int (212.1 MiB)
    • pcm_a.int (435.6 MiB)
    • pcm_b.int (225.9 MiB)
    • pcm_c.int (487.8 MiB)
    • pcm_d.int (155.6 MiB)
    • pcm_e.int (182.0 MiB)
    • pcm_f.int (42.3 MiB)
    • pcm_g.int (176.0 MiB)
    • pcm_h.int (118.5 MiB)
    • pcm_i.int (88.2 MiB)
    • pcm_j.int (73.4 MiB)
    • pcm_k.int (43.4 MiB)
    • pcm_l.int (20.5 MiB)
    • pcm_m.int (9.5 MiB)
    • ptcl.int (13.0 KiB)
    • scene.int (2.7 MiB)
    • se.int (14.6 MiB)
    • update00.int (214.5 KiB)
    • update01.int (994.2 KiB)
Same as this version? https://nyaa.si/view/878706

superelmo (uploader)

An update correcting various typos and text display issues.
Thanks! Both versions have the exact same file size, so I wasn't sure.
@superelmo - Is this the update you're talking about: https://nyaa.si/view/789125 ? Or is this something official from MangaGamer?

superelmo (uploader)

Infernoplex, I think the patch you posted is only for the Japanese version. "Script Update! 19 Jan, 2017 - MangaGamer An update has been pushed to correct various typos and text display issues! Your game build should automatically update, but you can make sure it's updated by locating a file called "update01.int" your local game folder."
This is good! Thanks!
This is better than the last version. It's still full of grammar and spelling mistakes though. They really need to improve the UI, without knowing some of the keyboard shortcuts (link on Steam) it's hard to play. A warning though, there is enough of the typical otaku oriented anime and manga stupidity to choke a horse.
can we switch to japanese also?