With that out of the way here are my notes for this upload:
- Originals are now the main torrent you download.
- The cleaned version can be found here: [here](https://mega.nz/#!BKQT2KIC!uvUalNV_FteUeMzu7VpfoUvq8ApvWpzVK2n8trBGRkU)
- As per usual, this is a CDJ*n Rip. Though I'm thinking of switching to Kobo/Raku-ten.
For those who read manga more often, what do you think of the quality there? Please let me know if its better than what you see here.
I know I shouldn't be asking for donations but I have a [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/shinon71).
Your donations goes to ~~buying more mangas for requests and shitposting~~ useful projects.
*One time payments are easy too. Just cancel your pledge after that.*
[Your allowed to use this rip for scanlations. I'm not stopping you :P ]
As per usual, support the creators, buy it!
I'm going to do Comic Anthology 02 like now. Expect it tomorrow or soon.
And I know V09 is out but CDJapan havent uploaded it

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