[GSK_kun] Adorable Food Goddess - 09 (WEBrip 1080p AAC)

2019-07-30 04:00 UTC
No information.
File size:
604.0 MiB
Info hash:
[![27c152b6a6f2e07889e7ac84490dff6e.jpg](https://extraimage.net/images/2019/03/18/27c152b6a6f2e07889e7ac84490dff6e.jpg)](https://extraimage.net/image/14vY) *** Screen shots [![8c15d88f2d39efe5b7f319e330562b12.md.png](https://extraimage.net/images/2019/07/30/8c15d88f2d39efe5b7f319e330562b12.md.png)](https://extraimage.net/image/OM9N) *** Video source: [xiaomeng](https://nyaa.si/view/1125328) Sub source: [K2In Otaku](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWK1E7gB4UUYinEPbtSmH0QHJ5DnnZQXE) Restyled, Retimed, Typesetted, Edited(By Astral). *** Editing by Astral, everything else by me. Thanks Astral for helping me in editing. Previews aren't subbed due to lack of consistency. Please consider seeding at least with a ratio of 1. Feel free to leave your comments, Thank you. This project isn't dead I guess. Next episode no ETA.

File list

  • [GSK_kun] Adorable Food Goddess - 09 (WEBrip 1080p AAC) [68737CB0].mkv (604.0 MiB)
rub a dub thanks for da grub
Thank you soo much!
>Previews aren’t subbed due to lack of consistency. What do you mean on this? They don't make sense or difficulty in translating it or something else? Thanks btw to both of you.

gsk_ (uploader)

Previews are not subbed on the source I use, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't
Only three episodes left. Please keep up the good work! I hope you will finish this series with the help of Astral...
@Moses35i He's just waiting on me at the moment. Due to a painful injury to my hand shortly after this episode was posted, I've been unable to work on this show for a while. I'll try and resume it in the coming days.
As also mentioned in the other threads, I’m making xdelta3 patches to produce these from the set of raws https://nyaa.si/view/1125328 , and hosting them in my Google Drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yeMUu6NuNij5RkcNrZbIJMIxrCDk1u6w?usp=sharing
@Astral Please take it easy on your fap session. All kidding aside thanks for the heads up.

gsk_ (uploader)

Yes I was waiting for Astral, he was having some health issues now he has recovered and I started timing the script (Rough timing is done) need to fine time,TS and edit
@Astral: Great! Please take your time while recovering from your injury. Take Care!