**Title**: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
**Original title**: ひぐらしのなく頃に解
**Length**: Very long (> 50 hours) for the whole game.
**Year**: Seventh game in the series was released in Japan 2005-12-30, This Version 2019-07-18
**Developer**: 07th Expansion
**Publishers**: MangaGamer
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Not voiced
**Related Anime**: [AniDB](http://anidb.net/a4894)

Source: [Mangagamer](https://www.mangagamer.com/detail.php?aflg=18over&product_code=1127)
! A re-release on a new engine with updated art and a complete re-translation. The updated art contains only all-new sprites contracted by MangaGamer, drawn by Kurosaki of Caramel Box. No CGs or new backgrounds have been drawn.
Players have an ability to switch between old and new art, and English/Japanese languages.
The original soundtrack and content, previously cut from the English release of the game, have been restored.
Has been released on Steam, GOG and MangaGamer’s site. Each chapter will be released separately as translations are completed.
1. No need to install.
**!!!** Link to previous chapters: https://nyaa.si/?f=2&c=6_2&q=Higurashi+When+They+Cry
**System Requirements**:
Required CPU: Pentium III 800MHz
Recommended CPU: Pentium 4 1.4GHz
Required Memory: 512 MB
Recommended Memory: 1 GB
DirectX: DirectX 9.0+

I don't know if it's a problem on my side but that's how it is. I have tried force recheck, delete torrent and add torrent again.
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