[GTeam] Dragon Ball Golden Box OVAs - Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans / Episode of Bardock

2019-09-23 23:18 UTC
No information.
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2.1 GiB
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After Shueisha revived Dragon Ball in 2008 with a 34-minute special produced for the Jump Super Anime Tour, Toei went even further beyond by creating two more OVAs in 2010 and 2011. The first was a remake of the 1993 "Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans" Playdia OVA, while the second was something of a sequel to the original Bardock TV special from 1990. Last year these two OVAs were made available on Blu-ray in France, thus giving us these two specials in HD for the first time. Since wrapping up the initial pass on GT, we've brought on several new team members and are looking to work on the movies and various other things. As our work on the GT batches currently only focuses on audio (Yes, it is still happening - we promise!!), we thought the rest of the team could start working on these OVAs as the first part of our "Phase 2" operations. Many delays later, here we are. The subtitles for both specials were partially based on the official subtitles from the video game releases of these OVAs but with heavy reworking due to poor diction and often just bad translation. Even lines that were technically entirely accurate were often too obtusely worded to make out any coherent meaning, and lines as straightforward as one reading "Son-kun, Piccolo, you two would survive" were in fact the exact opposite of what was intended. Included on this release: -1080p video encoded by Chotab from the French Blu-rays -Japanese and French audio, in FLAC. -GTeam's English subtitles. Credits: -Retranslation: Sangofe, Pendekar, Kokujin-kun -Subtitle cleanup: Mizunokamo -Timing: Sangofe -Styling: GTeam-wide collaboration Next time on GTeam: All the movies in full-frame 4:3, with several dubs?

File list

  • X0 - Movies and OVAs
    • [GTeam] Dragon Ball - OVA 3 - Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans [0331F3ED].mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [GTeam] Dragon Ball - OVA 4 - Episode of Bardock [18DF46C1].mkv (805.0 MiB)

clutchins (uploader)

The files come in a directory intentionally named "X0 - Movies and OVAs" for reasons of future-proofing, as we plan to work on more OVAs and the classic movies in the future and envision them all living in a single directory. The "X0" part refers to our internal naming scheme and doesn't mean anything for now.
Perfect, I've been looking around for 1080p encodes of the two latest OVAs. Thank you. Eagerly await the rest of your releases, especially the movies in 4:3 with several dubs :)
Supposedly the Japanese VHS cassettes (not sure about Betamax cassettes) of DBZ movies are the best source in 4:3 AR but hard to come by, I'd guess. Unless you live in Japan. Otherwise, there are the FUNimation and AB Vidéo (Remastered/Non-Remastered) DVDs in 4:3 AR. For Dragon Ball - Movies 1 through 4 there's Zima's Blu-rays that used FUNimation's HD Remaster of the films. Movie 2 is fucked but 1, 3 and 4 are worth it.

clutchins (uploader)

We are still in the planning stages for this 4:3 movie project. We have all the video sources we need, but we're still deciding on which source is the best for some movies. Even some of the most subtle differences between DVDs can make for quite contentious arguments among our team members. But rest assured we will consider every source that we have access to. We don't own any of the Japanese VHSes but I'm told that they are all letterboxed.
Hi, Can you please upload the subtitles separately?
Many thanks! :D

clutchins (uploader)

@azozi98 https://sourceforge.net/projects/gmkvextractgui/
GTeam is alive. Good!
@clutchins thnx for the reply, but I was hoping if I could get a link for the subs because I already have the video files.
Anyways thnx for the upload. Cant wait for the 4:3 movie project

clutchins (uploader)

@azozi98 I've been informed that animetosho.org mirrors nyaa torrents and automatically provides subtitles and any fonts attached, of which there are two. https://animetosho.org/view/gteam-dragon-ball-golden-box-ovas-plan-eradicate.n1178702
@clutchins thnx!!
I love the Episode Of Bardock. Thank you so much for your work here!!! C:
Did you remove French subtitles?