[Lazy Lily] Yuru Yuri Ten OVA [2x Subs][1080p][Public Raw][645C722F].mkv

2019-10-19 14:22 UTC
File size:
302.0 MiB
Info hash:
![Image](https://lazylilyfansubs.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/yuru-yuri-ten-ova-1-thumb.jpg) Yuru Yuri Ten OVA [1080p] by Lazy Lily Fansubs \#aoi4lyf Thank you for downloading and please seed as much as you can! ![Image](https://lazylilyfansubs.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/ran-donate-cropv3.png) If you like the stuff we shared, please [consider donating any amount](https://lazylilyfansubs.wordpress.com/donate/)

File list

  • [Lazy Lily] Yuru Yuri Ten OVA [2x Subs][1080p][Public Raw][645C722F].mkv (302.0 MiB)
> The OVA was leaked a month ahead of its the release date It wasn't leaked ahead of "its the" release date, it was sent out to people that backed the crowd funding (along with a script).
10 years gone by so fast! thanks
Wait, is today April 1st?
lmao imagine thinking it was leaked
remember to give SHiN money, the worst tripfag there ever was
Hey everyone, I hope everyone's having a wonderful evening. I'd like to take just a moment of your time and graciously ask you to consider donating to a worthy cause instead. Please, please consider a small donation: https://habitatdetroit.org/donation/ I will personally thank you for donating and w-will do anything you ask of me ^///^ Thank you for listenign, please have a warm night.