[CrucialTParty] City Hunter Movie - Shinjuku Private Eyes - English Subtitles

2019-11-06 02:07 UTC
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101.4 KiB
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Mega link: https://mega.nz/#!FVQQBYoY!8OVMwdl2TRLJRsSPxX_IUHzcmBigHReQFCxFhJtiT04 This was tested and synced with the [Anime Land] raw. A few things to note: - I'm neither a native speaker of English nor Japanese, so excuse me for any mistakes or language awkwardness. But I assure you that I'm confident in the accuracy of at least most of the translation. - I left the word "mokkori" as it is because City Hunter fans don't need a translation for it (and as a fan myself, I prefer it untranslated). If you still don't understand it, look it up on Jisho or something. - Yes it sounds like they're saying "Mebius" but it appears multiple times on-screen spelled "Mobius", so I went with that. I'm not sure about the spelling of the company name though. - This is my first time ever uploading a torrent. I copy-pasted the trackers from another Nyaa torrent, but if there's still a problem, please use the Mega link. Enjoy the movie!

File list

  • [CrucialTParty] City Hunter Movie - Shinjuku Private Eyes - English Subtitles.ass (101.4 KiB)
If you're not a speaker of English or Japanese, where did these subs come from?
Thanks for the subs! I can finally watch the best anime movie of the year (with Haikara-san) :)

CrucialTParty (uploader)

@DmonHiro I'm not a "native" speaker, but I've learned the languages :)


Thanks for subbing this. BTW, are the insert songs subbed? Because it allows the sub track to "Get Wild and Tough" if you know what I mean. :D

CrucialTParty (uploader)

@H94 No I haven't translated any of the songs. Sorry.


@CrucialTYParty OK. Thanks for clarifying. I'll wait till a version with song translations pops up.
i'm really thankful for this; thanks for all your hard work
Grateful for this gr8 transl8 m8
Thanks so much. The English is excellent for a non native.
Thank you for your work and effort on these subtitles. :)
Hey @CrucialTParty, thanks, you did good!!! By the way: "Möbius" was the surname of an influential German mathematician from the 1800s (as in the "Möbius Strip"). Later, "Möbius" was adopted as the pen name of a famous 20th century French comics and sci-fi artist. Möbius (the artist) is huge in Europe and Japan, and so his name gets referenced a lot in anime (and elsewhere). In the USA, the name is pronounced "moh-bius" but in Europe it's pronounced sorta like "meh-bius"/"muh-bius". The Japanese approximate the European pronunciation, so "meh-bius" (メビウス) it is. The same name is used for an Ultraman character as well.

CrucialTParty (uploader)

@greboguru Interesting to know, thanks! I'm familiar with it as Mobius but I didn't know about the pronunciation difference.
Thanks for your hard work on this! Watched it and enjoyed it :D


Anyone planning on adding song translations to the subs?
mokkori: The term basically represents the sound or concept of a penile erection. ~wiki :P en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokkori
The syntax of the late french is Mœbius, i don't think it's related here. Otherwise, thanks.