[Pragmatico Holdings] Domestic na Kanojo - Uncensored scenes

2019-11-14 16:37 UTC
File size:
887.4 MiB
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Still waiting on BD's, but this will quench for now. Thanks!
@SomaHeir There aren't BDs. I can upload all the episodes but I have to record all of them... I don't know if dubbed version will get BDs.
The HinaXNatsuo scene fell short of the RuiXNatsuo scene tbh. Rui's assets were more... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Thanks a lot for the upload! I was eagerly waiting.
Come on bro @fakeId. Hina's scene is better than Rui's scene...
Thanks!! Please add full episodes also!!
Hey puedes subir los capitulos completos?? / Hey can you upload the entire chapters??
Si los grabas tú si pero no te vas a perder nada / If you want to record it yes but you are not going to lose nothing @paoalmyros @LuchoElisaincin95
si no me equivoco los grabas desde PlayPic no? si es posible yo no tengo problema en grabarlos... solo quisiera saber lo que necesito para hacerlo / If I'm not mistaken, do you record them from PlayPic? if possible I have no problem recording them ... I just want to know what I need to do it
Así es, uso OBS studio @LuchoElisaincin95
Will there be another scene later?
Yeah there's another, just released this week with ch 25 limited
Any update about the episodes?
Are these all the uncensored scenes? And is there a full uncensored version of Domestic na Kanojo? Or a Bluray version?
@may5224 No, all comes with the limited edition from the manga.
Please upload full episodes!! You're our only hope
Please add full episodes!!!