[GM-Team][国漫][镇魂街 第2季 北落师门][Rakshasa Street Ⅱ][2019][05][AVC][GB][1080P]【NOTICE】

2020-01-18 13:40 UTC
No information.
File size:
698.9 MiB
Info hash:
![][0] 名 称:镇魂街 第2季 / 镇魂街 第2季 北落师门 / Rakshasa Street Ⅱ:Bei Luo Shi Men / Zhen Hun Jie 2 / Zhen Hun Jie 2 : Bei Luo Shi Men 类 型:热血 / 战斗 / 漫改 / 搞笑 /国漫 集 数:Season Ⅱ 12 Episodes 剧情介绍:罗刹街镇魂将曹焱兵和寄灵人夏铃踏上修复灵槐之路,羽林街镇魂将南御夫却受命缉拿曹焱兵,恰有菩提街镇魂将北落师门出面平息事态。但南御夫心怀鬼胎,北落师门与女孩水儿也暗藏秘密,曹焱兵和夏铃又将如何应对。菩提树下,三方命运交结,最终会涌至何处。 - - - Email:guomanteam@gmail.com - - - **【Notice】** **This is from bilibili 1080p+ AVC,not have logo. Ads have been removed.** [0]: http://puep.qpic.cn/coral/Q3auHgzwzM4fgQ41VTF2rDpibSj9cKBjz35GSSaab7HBZ4eClMkT7Eg/0.jpg --- ## The first part is over, and the second part is expected to air in April.

File list

  • [GM-Team][国漫][镇魂街 第2季 北落师门][Rakshasa Street Ⅱ][2019][05][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4 (698.9 MiB)
In planning?: Xian Wang De Richang Shenghuo Yao Jing Zhong Zhi Shou Ce Jie Yao (antidote) Please
我 说上 top 10 of time 一点压力都没有。
Thanks :) Any more episodes due??
Hey just want to say Thank you for sharing these great quality encodes with all of us. There great to have around now that Anime is under siege by Funi ever since they gained enough power to start making decisions at the production level of new shows in Japan. We have all see the results of everything they touched lest few years.
Many thanks :) Will keep tuned & hope for April/new episodes :)
Many Thanks - Excellent show - Hoping for more :)
Any news on the next episodes?
Any update for when part 2 will be released?
so the 2nd part will be air on 15-5-2021. check out their channel 哔哩哔哩动画Anime Made By Bilibili and there a video of upcoming anime. sorry if i break a rule or something