[JDrama] 2013 Matsumoto Seicho Suspense SP「Face」(KAO or Persona ) 松本清張 サスペンス「顔」 フジテレビ開局55周年特別番組
This file is 1280*720 pixels code with x264_AAC and have 3 type of subtitles
Sub1 JPN subs in original is rip in Raw
Sub2 CHN subs with Machine translation is mounted on track 01
Sub2 ENG subs with Machine translation is mounted on track 02
Because of the translation is complicated work and ENG is not my mother language, so I use machine translation with some correct, but there is still some obvious mistake, I'm sorry for that and I wish it wasn't cause some big misunderstand, if someone need much exact translation of the subtitle, please contact me and if have time I will amend it again.
If some one want to translate into your language or correct the subs ,you can also contact me at Nyaa.si.
Please understand that this file can not use in commercial purpose ,and not use in online-playing or PT, thanks.
If have some chance, i will up other series of suspense SP.
Thanks for understanding.

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