**Title**: Little Vampire
**Length**: Short (2 - 10 hours)
**Year**: Japan 1988-05-05, English Patch 2020-01-09
**Developer**: Champion Soft(Alice Soft)
**Publisher**: Champion Soft
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Not voiced
**Translation**: [RottenBlock](https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:RottenBlock/Little_Vampire_-_English_Release!)
"Little Vampire" is one of the first games by Alice Soft, still under their former label of Champion Soft. Main heroes are the returning characters of the Rance series - Miki and Kentarou. In this game Miki is kidnapped by Dracula and Kentarou is on the quest to save her.
1. "Unlike other AliceSoft games, there is no need to run the game in Japanese compatibility mode."
2. No need to install.
3. "As far as translation is concerned, this is a hand-edited machine translation. I've done my best to make this an engaging read, but my translation is probably off the mark in more than a few places. Intonation and tone are guesswork and just trying to make it sound nice."
**!!!** Walkthrough: https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Little_Vampire:Walkthrough
**!!!** "The original version of Little Vampire has been released free-to-play by Alicesoft. For a copy of the original Japanese-language version, see here: http://retropc.net/alice/"
**!!!** The game is free and you can also find MediaFire and Mega links in the [translation](https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:RottenBlock/Little_Vampire_-_English_Release!)'s site. Uploading this here just to let more people know about this translation.

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