Drifting Dragons (Kuutei Dragons) - 04 [ENG SUB].srt

2020-01-27 18:11 UTC
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Here's episode 4! Not much to say vocabulary-wise so just enjoy! I know it's useless at this point but don't repost etc. See you in the next ep!

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  • Drifting Dragons - 04 [ENG SUB].srt (29.6 KiB)
Thanks! Really enjoyed the show so far despite my scepticism from E01 comment. EDIT: btw, ever thought about translating the food-signs? (At least those are the only ones that jumped into my eyes so far.)

akemilena (uploader)

@Asibior glad to hear you're enjoying it! I thought about translating the food signs but... there's not a lot of space and the subs would get really cramped... tho they usually say what they've explained during the episode (e.g. ultra-small dragon cooked "demon style") so it's not like you're missing out on anything. I will try and see if I can fit them somewhere from now on but I can't promise anything!
Hello! I'm the translator of this episode :D Glad to be onboard this series with Akemilena! Hope you enjoy the subs and give akemi all your energy because she is a GOD both translating and proofreading. I wouldn't have picked anime-subbing for the first time if not for her (yes, this is my first episode EVER). Anyway, see you all at the next episode!!
Think you are doing a great job, many, many thanks. Not much prophecy to predict many subbed uploads after this (hope they credit). This show is great/major yet one of those that misses rightful recognition (on netflix too ..I KNOW right, lol). So more credit for you doing the paid job not done. Surely there is a gap for translation to be equivalent of patented I.R. :) - Anyhoos thank god for you & Fansubs!! :) MANY THANKS AGAIN!
@akemilena, you could use Aegisub and have the subtitle text actually position on the sign to resolve the space issue. And indeed they do talk about the food usually so it's not a big issue. I was merely thinking it would be nice to have if its a trivial addition and barely any work. yep, show is actually surprisingly good, but as I said on E01 comment, the story/setting appealed to me a lot before I even started watching it, so that is a big factor. and the characters are very likeable too. @TomoyaNC So you both speak/are japanese then? (duh..) Thanks a lot to you two anyway!
@akemilena i have downloaded this: https://nyaa.si/view/1210404 Is your subtitles fit fot this release or needs resync? Anyway a big thank you for subbing this show

akemilena (uploader)

@Asibior will consider it, thanks! and sadly we're not japanese (tho that would make things a lot easier) but we both have jlpt qualifications! anyway very happy you're enjoying the show, it only gets better imo. @martinxk yes, those ones work, you don't need to resync! and you're welcome!