Oh boy, can't believe I'm finally releasing it!
Originally, I was planning to do it before s2 aired and you can guess how that turned out. After multiple delays and procrastinations, we were finally able to finish it.
The main reason this was delayed were the EDs (there are 7 of them, after all). There wasn't many good translations available, so I had to look for different sources and as such, I honestly don't remember which ED is from which source (besisde ones done by Harunatsu), but they still should be good.
Huge thanks to gsk_ and Soul for helping me with the EDs!
Release info:
Raws: VCB-Studio
Subs: Harunatsu (ep 1-4), Horriblesubs (ep 5-12), KE (OVA). All are edited, restyled, retimed and retypeset.
Please note, that I only support [stable](https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/) builds of mpv to play the files correctly, so use that! If you find any errors in translation or TS, please let me know.
Comments - 6
Asakura (uploader)