**Title**: Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei
**Original title**: ダンガンロンパ 希望の学園と絶望の高校生
**Genre**: Visual Novel
**Length**: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
**Year**: Japan 2010-11-25, Japan(PSP the Best) 2011-11-23, English Full Patch v1.0 2013-06-23
**Developer**: Spike
**Publisher**: Spike
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese(Partially voiced)
**Related Anime**: [AniDB](http://anidb.net/a9555)
**Translation**: [Project Zetsubou](https://danganronpa.wordpress.com/2013/06/23/release-danganronpa-english-translation-v1-0/)
Translation: BlackDragonHunt
Editing: Ritobito
Hacking: /a/non scanlations
Image Editing: Vodka, Aya Kyunik
Video Editing: Pixelz
Translation Checking: LordSilent
Testing: Klee, Uznare
Special Thanks: arisu, Rivalee
Hope's Peak Academy is a government-funded private high school recognized all across the nation as the cradle of hope and prosperity, providing a complete education for "ultimate" students of all stripes.
Thanks to a national lottery, one extremely lucky but otherwise ordinary student—Makoto Naegi—has been chosen to attend this prestigious institution.
But when Makoto arrives for his first day of class, he suddenly falls unconscious, and when he wakes up he finds himself in a classroom within the school—with the windows barred and the doors locked. As he explores the abandoned, dirty halls, it becomes clear that something is very wrong. He and his new classmates make their way to the gymnasium, where a demented robotic bear, calling himself Monokuma and claiming to be the school's headmaster, makes a declaration: "You're all going to be living here from now on. If you want to go free, your only choice... is murder."
And so... fifteen high school students gathered from across the country have been imprisoned. Their strength, their commitment, their very humanity will be tested time and time again. Why must they clash in these class trials? Who's the mastermind behind it all? And what is this shadowy figure really after? The battle against the looming, invisible enemy known only as despair is about to begin...
1. "Everything has been translated to 100% English."
2. Common Issues and Solutions:
- Infinite loading screen in chapter 5 - Save often (regular saves through the game menu, not just save states). This is a rare but known bug that existed in the original Japanese game which we were unable to track down and fix.
- Emulators: The crosshair doesn’t react to objects / clicking on one object leads to a different object
**JPCSP**: Follow these emulator configuration suggestions from kingofgame91 and Matt.
**PPSSPP**: Fixes for the major bugs have made it into the stable PC builds of the emulator as of v0.9, so just download the most recent stable version. There still appear to be problems on the Android version of the emulator. Load it up and go to Options -> Rendering Mode and select “Read Framebuffers to Memory(CPU)”.
- PPSSPP: No sound in videos - To hear the audio in the movies, you’re going to need the Atrac3+ codec. There should be a download button under Settings -> Audio.
- PPSSPP: Crashes in the data processing room in chapter 6 - Under options, disable “Hardware Transform” for that section, and you should be able to get through it.
- Compressing the ISO - Using a compressed ISO (CSO) seems to break things in unexpected ways, so make sure you’re using the uncompressed ISO.
3. Compatibility(Custom Firmwares):
- 5.00 m33: Can be patched to work using isotool
- 5.50 Prometheus (all flavors): Freezing/crashing issues
Can be patched to work using isotool
- 6.35 PRO:
B3: Runs flawlessly
- 6.39 LME-9.6: Runs flawlessly
- 6.60 PRO(NOTE: Some 6.60 PRO revisions seem to crash after the Spike logo appears at the very beginning of the game.):
B9: works?
B10: Runs flawlessly
C: Runs flawlessly
C2: Runs flawlessly
**!!!** Tested on PPSSPP v1.7.4 and working.

Comments - 6
superelmo (uploader)