**[IGDB](https://www.igdb.com/games/bullet-girls-phantasia "IGDB") / [STEAM](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1163590/Bullet_Girls_Phantasia/ "STEAM")** / **[OFFICIAL](https://www.d3p.co.jp/bulletgirls_p/ "OFFICIAL")**
**Developer**: SHADE Inc.
**Audio**: Japanese
**Subtitles**: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese
###### release, dlc, and crack provided by CODEX
A small batch containing all updates and patches released thus far: version 755, 759, 763, and 770
[View all change logs](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1163590?updates=true) | [View all patch notes.](https://steamdb.info/app/1163590/patchnotes/)
* Must have the base game installed - Available here https://nyaa.si/view/1227869 (follow the instructions there).
* Extract the files from the .zip file (requires a zipping program and 305 MB of free space).
* Turn off anti-virus or allow an exemption, it may be the cause for files to be deleted or blocked during installation and/or attempting to run the game.
* Run the setup.exe from the Bullet.Girls.Phantasia.Update.v755.incl.DLC-CODEX folder (mute or lower your volume trust me and **requires 139 MB of free space)**, target the directory to where you have the base game installed at and install when ready.
* Repeat the process for each update.
* If you did not select to add the crack files with the update you must do this depending on the last update you installed, for example if you installed v763 you must use the crack files for this version only to the game folder..
* Once done open **game.exe** and set your settings (supports Keyboard and mouse, PS4 and Xbox controllers) launch when ready.
* The extra DLC’s will be listed under "Content Gallery" for [visual aid of them see here](https://www.d3p.co.jp/bulletgirls_p/dlc/).
If for some reason you require the steam_emu.ini details, https://pastebin.com/2Yjp2Vnk
note: found additions but I dunno if they're worthy to add or not.
> 1198193 = Bullet Girls Phantasia - KR Data
> 1233160 = SteamDB Unknown App 1233160
**`DDL UPDATE Version 755 to 770 (bullet)`**: [UPDATE patch](https://rb.gy/jg25s6 "UPDATE Version 755 to 770")
**includes optional steam cloud removal MOD** | [with steam](https://i.ibb.co/pRRw0xw/Bullet-Girl-Phantasia-9.jpg) | [without steam](https://i.ibb.co/8zhdtXF/Bullet-Girl-Phantasia-10.jpg)
**`full-game download`**: https://nyaa.si/view/1227869
###### password protected links have been placed, look within the parenthesis above for the answer and be re-directed, links and files are safe but always take precautions.
**Issues** (maybe it's just a Windows 7 related issue?):
* A bug perhaps but an issue (in update ver 770) when using keyboard / mouse and needing to get to the Desktop in either Window or Fullscreen modes when you return back to the game all commands cease from being functional. Temporary counter-measure is to use the Right-Click on the mouse (indicated by a "Window" sign on the upper-right) prior before going to your Desktop may mitigate this issue until the first battle mission. In some cases you can Alt + ESC but this is not guaranteed. Pausing the game (pressing ESC) may help even better.
[Edit] This issue seems to be non-existent thus far when downgrading to version 759 and 763.
* An issue in where simply adjusting (even accidentally clicking on) the game's window position in Window Mode (from ver 759 to 770) causes all keyboard and mouse commands from being recognized. Temporary measure is to adjust the window to where you want it, close the game, and re-open.
**Helpful Guide**: https://psnprofiles.com/guide/7723-bullet-girls-phantasia-trophy-guide
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