[KaixeRho] Detonator Orgun 1 - Birth [Laserdisc 480p AAC]

2020-03-11 13:42 UTC
File size:
1.1 GiB
Info hash:
## Detonator Orgun ### Episode 1: Birth Chapter **[Episode 1 | [Episode 2](https://nyaa.si/view/1229852) | [Episode 3](https://nyaa.si/view/1233038) | [Batch](https://nyaa.si/view/1233039)]** #### Info: **Video:** x264 640x480 10bit **Audio:** [Dual-audio] 2-Channel AAC 48.0 Khz (~136 kbps) **+** Japanese **+** English **Raws:** Bought and encoded by me, ripped by an amazingly talented mysterious gentleman **Subtitles:** Two tracks **+** English full **+** English signs + songs **Subtitle Source:** R1 DVDs **+** [Screenshot comparison album with Exiled-Destiny release.](https://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/737/picture:3) **+** All across the internet, from Bakabt to Rutracker to U2 to who knows where else, the only rips you can find of this series are based off of the R1 US DVD release. It's a bad release, which isn't saying much given the time period, but it crams three laserdiscs onto one DVD and calls it a day, exacerbating the already extant problems with the source (see below). I decided to fix that, and after finding where I could bid on these, did so, got destroyed on shipping (don't use Buyee) and then went through the very annoying task of not only finding someone that COULD rip laser discs but someone with the equipment to do it optimally. Is it worth it? Well- **+** This isn't the remaster we all want. It's an incredible upgrade (see screenshot comparisons above), but the fact of the matter is, the problems on the US/UK DVDs started with the laserdisc masters. I'll be going over this in more detail on my webpage, but in short a number of faulty practices were baked into the masters of the laserdiscs and will never and can never go away. This is as good as it could possibly look without a potential bluray remastering (Obari tweeted about it the other day, here's hoping) which would make this look as good as it should. As it stands this is the best we have. **+** All three discs were bought and ripped. The other two are coming, I don't have an ETA but they should be relatively soon. **[Kaixe Rho homepage](https://kaixerho.wordpress.com/) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/0b74YSIo9eqYGgZM) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/KaixeRho?s=20)** ___ ##### Call to Action There is a small possibility that the R2 DVD-box release of Detonator Orgun is better than this release. I can't find any pictures online, no evidence, no nothing. I have no idea. I've already spent a considerable amount of money on this release; I'm not spending $350+ more on the vague chance of the DVDs being better. If anyone out there wants to take that chance for themself, that's fine, send it to me and I'll redo this, or release it yourself. This LD release will be as much as I invest, myself.

File list

  • [KaixeRho] Detonator Orgun 01 - Birth [25C21D4D].mkv (1.1 GiB)
Neat. Thank you : )
Underrated OVA. Looking forwards to the rest.
Thanks so much. It looks really good.