Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka subs for [Ohys-Raws]

2020-03-14 20:24 UTC
No information.
File size:
478.4 KiB
Info hash:
External subs for https://nyaa.si/view/1228160 Slight retimes from FEFsubs base. Could be fine for the other raws or bdmv uses. Not perfect but meh.

File list

  • [Ohys raws] Okaasan subs
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 01 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (46.0 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 02 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (37.6 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 03 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (38.5 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 04 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (40.6 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 05 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (42.6 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 06 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (40.1 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 07 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (37.7 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 08 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (38.0 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 09 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (40.6 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 10 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (39.2 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 11 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (38.7 KiB)
    • Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 12 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).ass (39.0 KiB)
You need the fonts from FEFsubs for optimal results. https://animetosho.org/view/fefsubs-okaa-san-online-batch-1080p.n1180342

freaky (uploader)

Ah. I stole them from the hevc and i must of had the sub installed so i didn't see them on my encoded version. My bad.
Shit happens but it's solvable.
common mistake for beginners and then you have the worst of the worst, Dmon, who just flat out doesn't care about styling and would rip from HS and still be green status for some reason