Generally we only give tag exclusivity to people who have a long history of using a tag on releases, as far as I can tell you only have one release. I understand it is also your username, however it is also a simple dictionary word. I'm sure there are other cases of people having a username that aligns with a group name, but we cannot be expected to remove every such thing or we'd have no end of bogus claims. Additionally we mostly act on tag related issues if there is a clear intent to masquerade a release as that of another well known group, especially if it is the same series, this does not seem to be the case as I don't believe you represent a well known group, nor is this release something you've done.
For the above reasons and various others I won't do anything right now. You are welcome to discuss this with the uploader here in the comments, if they voluntarily comply that is up to them. I will check back later to see what becomes of the any discussion here, at such time I may also rethink my position.
@Aureolin Sure he hasn't released anything here but he does it in a server and that is where the uploader got the files. I won't go into further details about why Astral only releases on server but I can confirm that this is indeed his work and CRC match as well from his patch. He may not be known as individual releases but he has contributed to many good releases (Astral is TSer for my Dororo release). Just as any uploader, Astral has right to protect his tag regardless of the release count imo.
The contents in this release are my own, however, this release is not posted by me and should not be labelled as such. We can confirm this is the case by grabbing my attachments (or patch) from my seedbox [here]( which I personally uploaded on 18-May-2019 and comparing it to this release. I've done this for you and the files are [100% identical](, feel free to compare for yourself if you wish. Using the patch I also have on my seedbox for users using the original raw this release was made for, results in a CRC of 96B549CA for episode 1, which upon checking this with the torrent here I've downloaded, results in the identical checksum.
I understand your view regarding potential bogus claims and I assure you that I'm acting in good faith regarding this issue. Astral is a dictionary word, but not a _very common_ one either. I use the [Astral] tag in accordance with my username here and I'm known for being a typesetter in a few various groups besides my own personal releases outside of Nyaa. To help support this, I would like to ask you to look at these examples _from_ Nyaa:
I was the main person handling [this release]( from EP 11 onwards, VON can personally vouch for this if the description listing me as 'Astral' is not enough.
I was the typesetter for [this release]( for 9volt, 9volt himself can confirm this for you as well.
I was the editor for [this release]( for gsk_, from EP 9 onwards. He can personally confirm this for you.
I was also the typesetter for [this release]( for B-Bass12333 as well as EP 24.
My subtitles that were _not_ on Nyaa was used as a base for [this release]( by Asakura and he can vouch for this too. If this 'Mux' user can use this [Astral] tag alongside me, then people could also assume he's responsible for the base subs used here too among the other roles, which is completely incorrect and would cause a few issues in the future if he's allowed to 'own' this tag as opposed to it being the one I am using.
To sum this up, this is my group name and I'm known in the fansubbing community significantly more than 'Mux'. You can ask the above people as well as LightArrowsEXE, MoodKiller, Scyrous, and ShowY. I've used it in parallel with my username, as my staff name in fansub groups and intend on using it here in the future as well for uploads. This release clearly masquerades my own release outside of Nyaa as shown in the first paragraph. If I was to upload my release here on Nyaa at this point in time, we'd have two of the exact same torrents with the exact same name. My releases are posted mainly to MRF, a Discord server with 1,158 people as of writing, where these can be QC'd and further improved on with advice of the community in hopes that I can post more releases to Nyaa once I become more competent in fansubbing.
Please let me know if I can help any further!
If you are reading this, could you please change your group name to something like [Mux] or anything else that isn't [Astral] so people don't get confused over the torrent you are posting that looks like _I've_ posted it, I would utmost appreciate it.
EDIT: Apologies for the amount of comments, I didn't realize there was a strict character limit.
@Astral I saw multiple releases on AB under your tag, like this release, Neverland, Rascal etc. If you are not the one who uploaded those there, then I can only assume there's another [Astral] out there who doesn't upload to public trackers. The uploader here can't change the tag to his because he isn't the "owner"; he simply found this release like that in AB (even with that same desc).
are people getting worked up over nothing. it's not like mux is claiming he worked on the files, yes the description implies otherwise but there are so many people here who post other people's works along with lazily copy/pasting any info the file creators would have made.
I don't understand. If he's the one who worked on this release and everything seem identical from his seedbox to this release, then why is he claiming that this release isn't his? Because someone else uploaded it?
@Astral He's just uploading your work that you uploaded somewhere else. I don't see anything wrong with that. You even should be mad if the uploader used his tag here because that would be just stealing your work.
The problem is that he's muxed this himself with my attachments (or used my patch) from MRF. If there's any errors in this torrent due to user error on his behalf or otherwise, I am blamed for something that I didn't cause. He should be using his own tag per the rules, since he put this torrent/files together, it is his responsibility. If he wants to credit me for the subs or whatever in the description or something, go for it! He doesn't even have to do that. Just _please_ make it clear that I didn't post this. As I've mentioned above, I post these attachments/patches (NOT .MKVs) to MRF in order to gain advice and fix issues which are always present with what I do at this point in time. I don't want to post torrents that have glaring issues in them until I learn how to fix them, nor do I want them posted in this current state. If he continues to post under this tag, it'd get a bit confusing if I post Hinamatsuri here once I've finalized everything and fixed what's been reported and we have two of the same torrent names with the same tags.
To clarify, the things I upload on MRF consists of **incomplete** subtitle tracks (.ass), attachments (.otf\/ttf), chapters (.xml) and patches. I encourage people to use these patches individually and ask of them _not_ to upload tens of GBs worth of these patched files to Nyaa as this only splits traffic, results in more torrents dying, users assuming an incomplete state of my projects are the product I intend to give them and generally making a mess if I am to personally upload the same torrent when it's actually ready as mentioned above here.
All I'd like is for this release to be called [Mux] Hinamatsuri (BD 1080p FLAC) or anything else that isn't [Astral]. I hope either the mods or mux himself understand where I'm coming from.
@Astral I understand where you're coming from, but again, this was just reuploaded from somewhere else as they are. He wasn't the one to mux them, etc. If you look at his torrents, you'll see different tags from different groups, which confirms that.
So you really should blame the source in AB (whoever uploaded this release first back in May 2019) and used your tag for the torrent and all EPs, making it seem like you're the one who uploaded it.

That desc exactly matches the one here which just makes sense that this guy here is just a reuploader from AB.
Thanks for linking that and understanding my position, I'll follow up with that too if there's a way I can get the torrent clarified that I didn't post it myself nor is it a release of my own to avoid any further confusion. Although, since it's anonymous, I assume this won't be as easy. So he's either taken that torrent from AB (uploaded by someone ignoring my requests in MRF), which I recall being a private tracker, or he's used my patch from MRF which isn't as private but still recommends people not to post these to other places as I will when it's ready. Thanks again for letting me know!
>The contents in this release are my own
>the files are 100% identical
Get your head out of your ass, uploading releases of others without altering them is not against the rules.
Rules from FAQ:
>Finally, a few notes concerning tagging and using other people's work:
>>Do not add your own tag(s) when reuploading an original release.
>>Unless you are reuploading an original release, you should either avoid using tags that are not your own or make it extremely clear to everyone that you are the one responsible for the upload.
Few notes in description box should be made to clarify this isn't made by you, @mux. Also this isn't (probably? most likely?) final version of this bulk. Assuming it has almost a year already it won't change in any form anyway.
It's internet guys, anyone can post anything he wants as long as it follows the community rules.
Even if it's Astral's work, it's internet, unless you put your name in a tag inside the actual episode, you have no rights to it. That is what internet is about, freedom of using everything, copy rights were not meant to be went internet was created. And developpers still think it's the case.
As long as you uplaod something, you give everyone the right to alter, modified, erase, or share your stuff. You don't want that, you put your beautifull name in the opening so that anyone who cares ( who cares, really ? ) gets to see it.
We don't enforce the tags of people who upload outside our site, for hopefully obvious reasons, if we did that anyone could just spin up any fabricated claim of having been using a tag forever to take anyone else down. We understand other sites exist, however we can't patrol the entire internet looking for whoever owns X or Y tag, if you want us to do anything you must have a track record here, or at the previous site. Also, as you and others have seemingly pointed out, if this release does indeed match one you've made elsewhere, even if we did enforce your tag here, this upload doesn't violate any rules if it is unmodified so I cannot remove it. Additionally due to the very nature of torrent files I cannot modify the files within the torrent as that would change the hash, and thus the entire torrent would be invalid, as such if you want the files within changed the uploader must comply with your request. I will however add a mention at the top of the description it isn't associated to you just so I don't have to come back here hopefully as I've better things to be doing such as deleting malware and punting spam uploads.
On a personal note I do not use any private trackers or discord, so I do not know who posts what on such places, as such I have no way(or interest) to verify any offsite claims, we operate more or less within our own context and nothing further.
To the uploader "mux": I am adding a mention that it is not associated with them as a friendly gesture to Astral who I've seen comment on many uploads around the site and generally being a seemingly nice enough member of the site. I'd ask you to leave it in the description and in the future perhaps add one yourself if you are knowingly reuploading something that may "belong" to someone else just to avoid these annoyances in the future. You can consider his request to reupoad this without "their" tag in the files if you want, but it isn't required.
Comments - 27
mux (uploader)