Dude, delete this. You don't know how to encode 1080i content.
http://www.vapoursynth.com/doc/plugins/vivtc.html this might get you started. It won't fix the video game scenes but it'll at least fix most of the rest. Or run a deinterlacer. QTGMC pretty much fixes everything.
I have to ask whether you even watch your encodes:

OK, but obviously it didn't work--look at the screenshot above.
There are other encodes of this show where the video doesn't look like that. Ask yourself whether you need to make your own encode in this situation.
dunno why you get but don't find anything during watching
Here is the ss

I think The problem won't happen as motbob said if I used 60fps but mistakenly I inputed source fps.Also the source was deleted.SO will try to remember it from next interlaced one encodes
I have deleted torrents before when I messed up, there's no shame. You owe it to the community--and your own brand--not to let people download a broken release.
@Ember_Encodes Dunno what you used but maybe you didn't input the script correctly or the program you used failed to do it properly. If you already don't got the program I advise to get a free program called avspmod if you used avisynth that is and you can view video real time with filters.
If you use something else like vaporsynth not sure if that program can even run that but you could pop open aegisubs and go one by one go thru a few scenes to check if it deinterlaced it properly.
That screenshot you posted was it taken during a video play? It may have deinterlace settings on, so that may of been why you didn't realize it.
Don't do 60fps unless that's what you prefer and want to share that to others but know that's not the real fps source and it's not against the rules here. The source is 29.970 fps but can be taken down to 23.976fps or do a mix of both (but that'll take long), so you would have to do frame interpolation (add frames that were not originally there before) for it to hit 60fps.
If interested read the blu-ray specifications here's as an example: https://www.videohelp.com/hd
> Don’t do 60fps unless that’s what you prefer and want to share that to others but know that’s not the real fps source and it’s not against the rules here. The source is 29.970 fps but can be taken down to 23.976fps or do a mix of both (but that’ll take long), so you would have to do frame interpolation (add frames that were not originally there before) for it to hit 60fps.
someone clearly doesnt know what they're talking about
Comments - 14
Ember_Encodes (uploader)
Ember_Encodes (uploader)
Ember_Encodes (uploader)
Ember_Encodes (uploader)