>##### v2 Fixes corrupted 5.1 track of the [old release](https://nyaa.si/view/1250599).
Since everyone is joining the shinkai release fiesta, i tried some stuff too and im convinced of this result.
Its my first time doing a resize (bicubic) + yuv444p10 so i hope i did all fine.
> Recommended player for sdr monitors: mpv or mpc + madvr
> Recommended player for hdr monitors: mpc + madvr
> For **madvr** users i can recommend to add a deringing filter since the 4k source has slight ringing in some parts of the movie, all you need to do is : open a video with mpc, right click on the video, go to filters > madvr, click on edit settings and go under processing > artifact removal and click on reduce ringing artifacts, like in [this image](https://i.postimg.cc/zXL5rr1f/fhghngf.jpg).
I think this release really suits :
- those with low systems and/or (low resolution) sdr monitors. They can try to fake hdr thanks to the hdr informartions inside. Players like mpv do it automatically, but also mpc+madvr with some tweaking gives the best results.
I think fake hdr, even tho its nowhere near real hdr on super monitor/tvs, its still visually appealing. This movie actually has quite good hdr, some shots are very impressive.
- those with 4k hdr monitors (or normal monitors), bothered by the mega-sharp of the 4k BR.
- those who want the benefits of the 4k bluray with less disadvantages. From what i saw the 1080p bluray was pretty soft and sometimes the bitrate was really suspicious, i **guess** this 4k bluray have held way more details and dynamic grain thanks to bigger filesize and space efficiency of 4k hevc.
**_Video_**: 4k BD bicubic resized to 1080p x265 4:4:4
**_Audio_**: *Japanese* - 5.1 Opus 384 Kbps _ / _ *Japanese* - 2.0 Opus 192 Kbps
**_Subs_**: *English* - *Japanese* - *Chinese*
Here some screens for comparison, also remember that all the washed out/extremely lit zones lost the hdr information during screenshot
Source (4K BR) | Encode | (BR)
--- | --- | ---
[](https://i.postimg.cc/rM9ZqM6m/Weathering-with-You-2019-JAPANESE-2160p-Blu-Ray-mkv-snapshot-00-02-55-534.jpg "CLICK FOR ZOOM") | [](https://i.postimg.cc/kJ5PFFVd/Weathering-with-You-2019-JAPANESE21h-mkv-snapshot-00-02-55-517.jpg "CLICK FOR ZOOM") | [](https://i.postimg.cc/JR46nvmQ/Weathering-with-You-2019-JAPANESE-1080p-Blu-Ray-REMUX-AVC-DTS-HD-MA-5-1-FGT-mkv-snapshot-00-02-55-534.jpg "CLICK FOR ZOOM")
[](https://i.postimg.cc/xfhG0p5t/Weathering-with-You-2019-JAPANESE-2160p-Blu-Ray-mkv-snapshot-00-02-28-111.jpg "CLICK FOR ZOOM") | [](https://i.postimg.cc/Ng5KJT2R/Weathering-with-You-2019-JAPANESE21h-mkv-snapshot-00-02-28-120.jpg "CLICK FOR ZOOM") | [](https://i.postimg.cc/51QqP19G/Weathering-with-You-2019-JAPANESE-1080p-Blu-Ray-mkv-snapshot-00-02-28-153.jpg "CLICK FOR ZOOM")
File list
Tenki No Ko - Weathering With You [1080p HEVC-yuv444p10 HDR OPUS] v2.mkv (5.6 GiB)
you shouldve used something else besides bicubic. something that preserves details better. if the person watching wants to he can choose/balance between something more sharp or less sharp on his end. instead now if we choose less sharp , it will just be more blur, but if we choose more sharp, it just makes the current blur a little less blur but without the details.
@riri0 tbh bicubic is the usual way to downscale. i also tried spline and i didnt like the result, strong sharpness, artifacts, much bigger filesize. also remember this was meant to reduce the sharpness of the 4k bluray, its not like i applied a blur messy filter to the whole image, details are all there.
@Jensen i didnt see that ringing problem, could you please post a screenshot? i've had enough people bashing without proofs, btw bicubic from what i know is one of the least problematic regarding ringing
> Reccommended player for sdr monitors: mpv
> Reccommended player for hdr monitors: mpc + madvr
@Jensen indeed with the face smashed on the monitor i saw the ringing on the dude's face. tbh i wouldnt say bicubic worsened a problem that was already present in the 4k, actually with the face smashed i saw something on the 1080p bluray too, maybe upscaling worsened something that was already there ? anyway this looks like something to work with a dering filter, i will consider it in a v3, but i would like at least an english audio or good subs, to make an even better encode cause at that point i dont care about encoding time (i guess dering filters will slow a lot).
for now i think its totally watchable without even noticing it, i will add in the description something about it anyway, thx for the response.
I've been trying to watch this movie for a while now but didnt yet because the comments often mentioned them having bad subtitles. How are the ones in this release? I dont really understand Japanese so I rely on subtitles to get an idea of whats happening
i found the encode to be perfectly servicable, the aforementioned ringing was incredibly hard to spot and irrelevant to the viewing experience. all in all, great work but fuck you. this movie is fucking trash. i found it to be an offensively stupid void of a movie starved of any meaning and ideas beyond tropes, cliches and kitsch. by working on this good encode you are directly complicit in the spread of this dumpsterfire across the globe and you should consider confessing your sins to a priest for you have laid an obstacle in the trajectory of human progress.
i wrote it in description
> Recommended player for sdr monitors: mpv or mpc + madvr
> Recommended player for hdr monitors: mpc + madvr
these are the best players anyway
Comments - 19
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