[iKaos] [SoM] Dragon Ball Manga vol 1-34 [fixed] (Kanzenban) (English Scanlated)

2020-06-14 21:08 UTC
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3.4 GiB
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File list

  • [iKaos] [SoM] Dragon Ball Manga vol 1-34 [fixed] (Kanzenban) (English Scanlated)
    • Vol 1-9 [HAO]
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 001 (2002) [HAO].cbz (55.5 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 002 (2002) [HAO].cbz (46.7 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 003 (2002) [HAO].cbz (46.8 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 004 (2002) [HAO].cbz (51.2 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 005 (2003) [HAO].cbz (54.9 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 006 (2003) [HAO].cbz (62.7 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 007 (2003) [HAO].cbz (56.3 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 008 (2003) [HAO].cbz (55.1 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 009 (2003) [HAO].cbz (59.9 MiB)
    • Vol 10-12 [DBRemastered]
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 010 (2003) [HAO-DBRemastered].cbz (144.9 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 011 (2003) [DBRemastered].cbz (161.1 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 012 (2003) [DBRemastered].cbz (180.2 MiB)
    • Vol 13-25 [MofoGoku]
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 013 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (165.7 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 014 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (126.0 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 015 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (120.3 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 016 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (181.6 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 017 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (118.0 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 018 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (141.7 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 019 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (148.1 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 020 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (134.8 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 021 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (133.1 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 022 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (134.5 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 023 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (130.6 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 024 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (136.4 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 025 (2003) [MofoGoku].cbz (135.2 MiB)
    • Vol 26-28, 34 [Project Z Scans]
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 026 (2003) [Project Z Scans].cbz (83.3 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 027 (2004) [Project Z Scans].cbz (78.8 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 028 (2004) [Project Z Scans].cbz (65.1 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 034 (2004) [ZQualityScans-Project Z Scans].cbz (77.1 MiB)
    • Vol 29-33 [ZQualityScans]
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 029 (2004) [ZQualityScans].cbz (96.7 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 030 (2004) [ZQualityScans].cbz (87.2 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 031 (2004) [ZQualityScans].cbz (61.4 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 032 (2004) [ZQualityScans].cbz (53.6 MiB)
      • Dragonball Kanzenban 033 (2004) [ZQualityScans].cbz (56.6 MiB)
Yessssssss! I used to keep up with these releases, but haven't paid much attention in the past few years. Thanks for collecting them!
What happened to Volume 34?

iKaos (uploader)

@ThunderSkull it's in the Project Z Scans folder.
@iKaos what program do you use to edit the DBZ video together with the audio? I plan on making a Rock the Dragon version which just the ocean dub music and edits. (for nostalgia purposes)

iKaos (uploader)

> Rock the Dragon version with just the ocean dub music and edits I don't understand, isn't that just what the RTD version is? You can find it in here: https://nyaa.si/view/1179137
I'd like to edit them together with the Level Sets and then maybe switch on over to the 30th Anniversary Edition covering ONLY the RTD episodes. Personally I don't like the RTD or the dragon boxes quality. So yeah, sorry for the confusion. Which program did you use to make the edits?

iKaos (uploader)

@Eckhart I use Premiere. I imagine any non-linear editor can do it though. You would put the Saban/Ocean version down first, then overlay the Levels/30A over it, and start cutting when the Saban/Ocean dub cuts. A fair warning, since I did the reverse - there are an excessive amount of cuts, like several hundred in the more challenging episodes (looking at you, Goku vs Vegeta fight). You'd also probably have to remake the OP, recaps, NEPs, etc. TBH if you're going full nostalgia train it's much easier to just watch RTD as it is since that also preserves all the visual censorship.
@iKaos I don't mind the audible censorship but fuck the visual censorship. Have you see what they did when Turles holds Gohan? https://img.fireden.net/co/image/1482/98/1482989234053.png Fuck that. I'll give it a shot. I plan on doing it as a personal thing though. Thank you brother!

iKaos (uploader)

@Eckhart yes, I was around in the 90s. Personally I made the Ocean/DBOX hybrid for myself, because the footage on RTD is terrible, but I also know that my edit is not the true Ocean dub since things are cut out and re-arranged. I think to truly experience Ocean in all it's glory, you gotta have those terrible visual edits. Also, fortunately in that Gohan example there's no reason to use the censored footage because the Toei Remaster is much better and even the Saban/Ocean dub can be edited pretty easily to it, like I have already done.
@iKaos Would you be inclined to make a Rock The Dragon set using the Leveled Sets? Even if your edits aren't true and even if the Ocean Dub cuts out a lot of stuff, doesn't matter. RTD is cool but I don't like the resolution on them. Level Set footage all the way
@Eckhart the Level Sets are actually missing frames in parts so that might make it really hard.
@CSManiac33 Yeah.....I don't mind undertaking the task. I love the Ocean Dub for its nostalgia. I'd be worth it for me

iKaos (uploader)

@Eckhart Have at it, it's not a project I'm going to do.
@ikaos Any thoughts on Grupa Mirai's HD releases?
@iKaos looks like the Discord link has expired. Any chance of a new one?
@generalrose Just click the link next to ''information''.
iKaos Do you know of anyone working on the digital full-color edition of the manga? Also, anyone working on the super manga?
Where is chapter 171 (The wedding dress arc)?
@mattsterZ The Wedding Dress Arc was anime-only filler. You won't find it in the original manga.
@ColaCola2000 Thanks for clarifying!
Thanks for this release, but why does this have only 34volumes, when Wikipedia says this has manga has 42 volumes?
@Sathvik001 The number of volumes depends on whether you're talking about the original publication or the one done years later where they condensed the chapters into fewer books and printed it at higher quality.
@supraboom thanks
Thank you for this!
Is there a version without the colour anywhere?