The Inflation Hall, the revolutionary discovery that made faster-then-light travel possible. But it came with a price: the Ghouls. Extra dimensional creatures that randomly attack the station responsible for controlling the Inflation Hole, named Watcher's Nest. Watcher's Nest put together an organization to prevent Ghoul attacks named Seraphim. Kureha Misaki joined Seraphim in order to follow in her father's footsteps. But Misaki is clumsy, not very athletic and a bit dim. So how on Earth did they accept her? It was because things are not what they seem at Watcher's Nest, and Misaki might not be regular human at all.
Another blast from the past. One of the first sci-fi series I ever saw, and it holds a special place in my heart. Truth be told, I did not care much for it until I finished the second season (which this torrent includes). When everything was pieced together I appreciated a lot more. The series does have some problems. First of which is, as you may have noticed, the character design. The boobs are HUGE. And they don't more the way boobs move. Truth be told, I think they didn't really know what they wanted to do with this series at the beginning. The first couple of episodes really have a lot of unnecessary fanservice. Then they settled on a sci-fi horror story and it worked far better. The huge boobs can be distracting during the more serious moments. But the story, in mu opinion, makes up for it. Be warned that the first 13 episodes are told kind of out of order. Episode 01 is actually episode 12, chronologically. I think they did that to make you interested in the story, but with zero context, you're not going to have any clue what happens.
**Series rating: 8/10**
The source for this were the R2 DVDs, using the internal R1 subs. Contains both seasons.
Question: Favorite girls? Mine were Misaki and Kotoko, since I love cheerful girls. Picking Kotoko is unfair though, since she's programmed to be cheerful.
PS: I only have one more DVD remux left (that I know of), and it's a raw release, sadly.
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DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)