[NDS] Soul Eater: Plot of Medusa / Soul Eater: Medusa no Inbou / ソウルイーター メデューサの陰謀 [English Patched]

2020-06-26 14:13 UTC
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61.0 MiB
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![Image](https://i.postimg.cc/KYqYcFQD/latest.png) **Title**: Soul Eater: Medusa no Inbou **Original Title**: ソウルイーター メデューサの陰謀 **Year**: Japan 23 October 2008; English Patch 22 May 2020 **Developer**: 8ing **Publisher**: Namco Bandai **Language**: English **Related Anime**: [AniDB](https://anidb.net/a5610) **Translation**: [Anime Game Translations Team](https://envyplays.tumblr.com/post/618720518444646400/soul-eater-medusa-no-inbou-english-patch-release) Hacking: Illidan Translation: EnvyPlays Graphics: Phantom Proofreading & Playtesting: EnvyPlays, Illidan, Phantom & Soul Reaper Special Thanks: StorMyu **Description**: With the world order under threat from the plight of the Kishin, three teams work to hone their skills at the at the famous “Death Weapon Meister Academy”. Maka, Black☆Star and Kid are on a mission to gather enough souls to turn their partners into Death Scythes - weapons worthy of being wielded by Lord Death himself. Facing off against Witches, Zombies and Immortals, they must learn to overcome their own weaknesses, lest they become consumed by madness. Based on the series of the same name, the game follows along the first half of the anime. **Important**: 1. Emulation Notes - If playing this game on an emulator, you may notice an issue where certain images are obstructed by a solid pink color. This is an emulator bug which happens even with the unpatched game, but does not happen on real hardware. We recommend updating to the latest build of DeSmuME. **Screenshots**: ![Image](http://www.romhacking.net/translations/ds/images/5558titlescreen.png)![Image](http://www.romhacking.net/translations/ds/images/5558screenshot1.png) ![Image](http://www.romhacking.net/translations/ds/images/5558screenshot2.png)![Image](http://www.romhacking.net/translations/ds/images/5558screenshot3.png)![Image](http://www.romhacking.net/translations/ds/images/5558screenshot4.png)

File list

  • Soul Eater - Medusa no Inbou.nds (61.0 MiB)
This looks like fun. PSP also had a Soul Eater game, but that was a fighting game instead.
Could you do some other games that have never been translated? Like many visual novels and classics