Release Date: January 27, 2017
VGMdb: https://vgmdb.net/album/64682
VNdb: https://vndb.org/v19712
Website Official: http://www.parasol-soft.com/product/lovelyday/
44.1 kHz, 2 channels
01 プリズム lovely day 4:14
02 結花のテーマ 1:38
03 アリスのテーマ 1:10
04 しずかのテーマ 1:20
05 遙のテーマ 2:18
06 夏芽のテーマ 1:18
07 萌のテーマ 1:04
08 奈々のテーマ 1:24
09 ミニチュア.サン 1:30
10 プラート.サン 1:12
11 ユウグレーション 2:07
12 夜の時計 2:04
13 悲しいピアノ 1:58
14 fade in-out 2:09
15 (I got )the fever 1:34
16 seagull screaming 1:09
17 キャンディマイン 1:25
18 ロマネスク 1:50
19 スクールフェスティバル! 1:26
20 ストリングス組曲 1:26
21 愛の挨拶(エルガー) 1:03
22 カルメン幻想曲(サラサーテ) 1:31
23 オルゴール幻想曲 2:02
24 beating of hearts 2:09
25 lovelyday of... 2:00
26 my love explodes 1:55
27 my vision 4:37
28 花咲タイムカプセル 3:41
29 Shooting your rainbow 4:42
30 トキメキスマイルステージ 5:44
31 All the way 4:45
32 my lovely day 5:08
※ Track 01 - OP
※ Track 27 - Insert Song
※ Track 28 - Yuka ED
※ Track 29 - Alice ED
※ Track 30 - Shizuka ED
※ Track 31 - Haruka ED
※ Track 32 - Insert Song
Incidentally I have got a Resolution version that is better than before 500x500 to 1200x1200. You can change the Pict Album manually and can save it on your respective device by visiting the link below.
Cover with better resolution : https://i.postimg.cc/8524JRpQ/Cover.jpg
You can ignore the Cover that is already available in the archive, you can use this Album Cover for better.
English :
I hope you all enjoy it, Thank You has become a good Seeders and indeed this song is quite difficult to find, but I am kind enough to give all of you my files.
日本人 :
Indonesian :
Aku harap kalian semua menikmatinya, Terima kasih telah menjadi Seeders yang baik dan memang lagu ini cukup sulit ditemukan, tetapi aku berbaik hati untuk membagikan file miliku kepada kalian semua.
English :
If you want to ask ReSeed please comment because I will always check continuously.
日本人 :
Indonesian :
(Karena aku dari Indonesia, maka aku membuat ini juga bagi para Leecher Indonesia) Untuk yang meminta ReSeed silahkan berkomentar ya karena aku cek tiap hari dan jangan lupa share kembali ya di Website kalian masing-masing karena Album lagu ini cukup sulit untuk disearching.
Thanks. I've liked all the soundtracks you've shared thus far.
I wouldn't mind helping seed if they weren't zipped in a rar file.
If you have them in lossless and don't mind would you consider sharing them?
Too bad I'll probably won't play these eroge's with the exception of Onii-chan Asa Made Zutto, too much in my backlog already.
> Thanks. I’ve liked all the soundtracks you’ve shared thus far.
> I wouldn’t mind helping seed if they weren’t zipped in a rar file.
> If you have them in lossless and don’t mind would you consider sharing them?
> Too bad I’ll probably won’t play these eroge’s with the exception of Onii-chan Asa Made Zutto, too much in my backlog already.
Unfortunately I collected all of these songs from various sources and it was quite difficult indeed. So I made it as best I could and could only reach the Lossy type, not Lossless. I think if I make it like that the songs that I think are hard to find if you enjoy yourself then you are also reluctant to feel good because if I share it here, I can enjoy it together.
> Thanks. I’ve liked all the soundtracks you’ve shared thus far.
> I wouldn’t mind helping seed if they weren’t zipped in a rar file.
> If you have them in lossless and don’t mind would you consider sharing them?
> Too bad I’ll probably won’t play these eroge’s with the exception of Onii-chan Asa Made Zutto, too much in my backlog already.
For the quality I can guarantee that this is indeed Lossy, and beforehand Thank You for coming often and being a good Seeder.
Comments - 5
ariefwibowo01 (uploader)
ariefwibowo01 (uploader)
ariefwibowo01 (uploader)
ariefwibowo01 (uploader)