[HorribleSubs] Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru Kan - 01 [1080p].mkv

2020-07-10 16:45 UTC
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1.4 GiB
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  • [HorribleSubs] Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru Kan - 01 [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
Let the cancerous comment section begin!
Oh here we are :D
Yes Your-Highness!!!
fucking finally it's here
How are the subs relative to [LiterallyWho]'s release ?
@blackreaper17 His Subtitle was from light Novel translation and these are from Crunchyroll edited.
Wow subtitles are literally shit. Intro completely butchered.
∆ This animu is shit, why did this get a 3rd season?
I hope that fansubs (LiterallyWho) will continue, because these subs are literally unwatchable.
Man I was sort of anticipating the sub problem will be there with season 3 but are crunchy subs really that bad? Means a lot to me and really don't wanna ruin this series for me.
Fast as Turtle. Thanks.
Shut the fuck up you fucking shit rot dick eating faggots. Go fucking decapitate yourselves please.
How the fuck are the subs unwatchable? I see this every fucking where on every fucking HorribleSubs episode for EVERY SERIES. Yet I have seen plenty of shows from the HorribleSubs tag. The subs are perfectly understandable...I dunno what the fuck you guys are expecting or looking for in the subs to be any different from what a fan subber would put instead of the official subs. 90% of you dumb fuck weebs don't even speak or understand Japanese yet you criticise and object to the subs you are reading thinking they are wrongly translated.... LMFAO. DANSGAME.
I hope someone who knows Japanese can chime in and say if these subs are trash or not. I will wait for a decent release
i just want something genuine
@FaffywaffleTV They criticize for the sake of criticism
Yeah this is definitely a Jennifer Challenger translation
Thanks Unbased (based), will avoid.
i dont wannaaa
>I see this every fucking where on every fucking HorribleSubs episode for EVERY SERIES. i don't think you do. most official subs are fine. at least 50%. some in particular are bad, and this sure is one of them.
Yukino Best. Now we just need fixed subs, oh nvm just saw LiterallyWho's one
Yup, It's a shitty translation xD!!
why would you put too much unnecessary energy on this thing even you know that the (your definition) good sub will come anyway
I did a twitter thread to compare these subs and the CR subs (tldr CR subs are garbage). LiterallyWho's subs are good. You can check my pinned if you want to see where exactly the CR subs went wrong (and where I don't exactly agree with LiterallyWho). I had first watched the episode Raw before any of the subs came out and this was my 2nd (and 3rd) rewatch to compare the subs.
@unbased are the LiterallyWho subs good?
holy hell i've been waiting this for years